David Perry's blog (http://www.dperry.com/archives/news/dp_blog/gaikai_-_video/) has alot more info. The service is not going to be like OnLive in the sense that there will be a central hub. This will be licensed out to publishers to use on their websites. Please read the comments section starting from the bottom.
"Are we a Portal Site like OnLive?
No, people do not come to us to play games, they play the games right on the publisher's site. The publisher uses our technology to make it all possible. So from wherever you click, you end up on the publisher's site with the latest version of the game running instantly.
Posted by: dperry
at July 1, 2009 1:53 AM"
Hey Dave great stuff. I was wondering a few things though.
1: Mario Kart 64 is a N64 game. So I was wondering are there more plans for games like this from other platforms like Gamecube, Wii, PS2, PS3, Xbox, X360, and maybe future console platforms to be supported? Either way looks like a plus if it does happen. I would love the idea of not having to buy a new console for new console's games.
>> Unlike Onlive we are not in competition with 1st Party. In fact I think we could help them reach new audiences.
>> Regarding Emulation? I'm a big fan of that... So yes, I'd hope that companies like Atari offer their best games (old and new) right on their website.
2: Game mods. I know probably a hard thing to think about at this stage, but when the games get out there. Few gamers are gonna wanna mod the games. I was wondering if their would be any way to download SDK or publish Game mods for Developer/Publisher approval? Not everyone likes to pay for DLC and want to make their own maps.
>> Our SDK will support game mods, but they are all saved to the cloud, so there's nothing needed on your hard drive. Our goal will be to make it so you could start a mod on one PC, then go somewhere else and be able to just continue where you left off.
3: Voice chat in games. I don't thing it was demoed, but either way. I just wanna know would it work with a mic like typically with normal game? Game voice from you to chat with others online while playing. Like what is in some of todays FPS games. Wanna talk to teammates and order em around or chat with em.
>> We don't have voice chat in the demo yet, but it's like a weekend of work, so it's just not been a priority so far. Will we offer voice chat? Absolutely.
4: Servers. Will they be exclusive to GaiKai players or open to play with others. Say you own Call of Duty 4 through GaiKai service and your friend has the boxed version of it and you live in same region. Will you be able to play together online or will you be locked into separate server group with only GaiKai players?
>> Yes, Gaikai players can play directly with other players that own the game. (If the publisher of the game allows that.)
Great stuff. Will be watching.
Posted by: DeadFire87
at July 1, 2009 9:38 AM
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