Last game I quit because of design choice was the most recent COD.
First off, buggy mess that crashed on me.
But their overreliance on prop mechanics and immersion-killing cutscenes is what got me.
Absolutely hated being anchored to that gunship, circling around a house for minutes on end waiting for my little buddies to go in. Oh no, I blew up a house, restart it all over again. I'm waiting....I'm waiting....oh goodie now I can shoot some enemies. Oh no they got to close to the house and I either failed my team or blew up the house. Start over. I'm waiting...
Oh look, now you're in a helicopter. OH NO you fell off the helicopter but your foot is stuck in the rope. Whee now you gotta shoot while upside down. Now you're on a truck. Now you have to hop on the other truck. Then another. Oh shit you fell off, start over.
Mother****** just let me drive the truck and have a remote machine gun. I don't need all these setpieces. This isn't Michael Bay!
@gns said:
Oh, another one, my quote from another forum about disproportionate difficulty levels:
Disproportionate balances in difficulty levels. So, for a while I was playing Vampyr, because I got it for free a while back on EGS store, and... oh, boy. Here's the gist of it:
The game difficulty is directly tied to how many named NPCs you kill (embrace) and get their XP, but you are locked-out of good ending, if you do that. Kill too many, and you get bad ending. Normal difficulty: If you do not kill anyone, you are severely underpowered and could get one shotted, because enemies are more than ten levels above you generally. You can, in theory, craft better gear (there are five levels in total, each containing two additional perks, but you can choose only one of them), but it is very hard to find parts. I completed Chapter Two (with the ghoul in the morgue) and was supposed to meat Lady Ashbury near the hospital, and I barely had parts to craft Level Two Weapon with Additional Blood Sucking Perk.
Now, I tried to play it with Story Mode, and... the combat is a joke. You can steam-roll through level 16-18 NPCs like it is nothing when you are level 3 yourself (out of curiosity I tried that). But, OK, I can understand that, it is meant for those who want to experience the story. However, what I can't understand is their decision to make crafting ingredients drop like flies on Story Mode. In Normal difficulty I had barely ingredients to scrounge for level 2 gear (and only one piece of gear) by the start of Chapter Two. Well, on story mode, by the end of Chapter One, I had enough to make Level 4 Gear and 4 items of medicine!
Vampyr had interesting, almost experimental, game design choices to it.
I admire their ambition, but I do wish it worked better than it did.
I still need to beat that game. Really good story, good immersion. But yeah that difficulty/choice system was kind of a killer. Felt like there wasn't much of a middle-ground, had to either be pacifist hero or bloodthirsty bastard.
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