"...the user in question has confirmed though that he cannot play Call of Duty Ghosts offline, as according to him the game requires an internet connection to play."
Game over. It's done. If the Xbox ONE still has DRM at launch, Microsoft will feel the wrath of gamers and everyone they've lied to. A new era of SONY's greatness is upon us.
Maybe the final patch that removes the DRM is not up yet? There is only speculation, but we should wait for the final patch at launch day before jumping into conclusions.
he's only being restricted due to temporary ban for having it early, he's probably going to have to connect online at launch to lift the ban, I don't think anybody has to worry about this unless they plan on getting theirs early
I sincerely hope this isn't a real issue and just some sort of ban snafu. Although, being banned offline shouldn't affect Single Player gaming...
A bit worrisome, honestly considering the nature of the Xbone DRM heavy reveal only months ago.
I'll be looking forward to reading a lot more about this topic after launch week. I may not open my unit until I know this isn't going down. I do not support DRM in this form. I refused to by some Capcom arcade games that employed always online DRM on consoles. I avoid it all the time on PC, only biting when the games are dirt cheap, like Diablo III.
I hope this turns out to be a non issue. Who knows what the future holds, not just the near future, but what is the plan for Xbone in 2014? Keep it online only DRM free, I hope. I hope they aren't trying to pull a fast one, say they removed the online required DRM and then slip it in when we go to the bathroom.
Those COD11 back box reveals are interesting. The link does go on to show these two pictures. Compare the Activision COD11 Xbone and PS4 back of boxes. The PS4 box back from Activision states COD "Online play, optional" and "Offline Play enabled". The Xbone box says no such thing. It may not mean anything, but draw your own conclusions:
From what I have been reading the user's whole console may be banned or he did not download the day 1 patch yet. Also, some games on the PS4 and Xbox One may require an internet connection.
From what I have been reading the user's whole console may be banned or he did not download the day 1 patch yet. Also, some games on the PS4 and Xbox One may require an internet connection.
If you cannot connect to the internet, MS isn't interested in you as a customer. It's as simple as that. They want the first world and are happy to let Sony have the rest of the world.
Wanting something and getting something are two different things. From the looks of it, SONY's getting both the first and third world countries while Microsoft is getting the leftovers.
7.1. You must not resell either Disc-based Software or Software Downloads, unless expressly authorised by us and, if the publisher is another company, additionally by the publisher.
So, we'll jump the gun since a source claims that he can't play offline before the console is even released, but we'll ignore Sony's TOU that states that we can't sell games without their expressed consent.
The bias of this damn place never ceases to amuse me.
Anyone who trust Microsoft after this is a fool. I'm Cancelling my preorder. I really wanted to play Dead Rising 3,I think I'll live as the game doesn't seem to have the colorful, varied, entertaining environments as 1 and 2 did. Just a concrete jungle, feels like if you see one zombie infested block, you've seen them all. Not to mention, I refuse to support Microsoft and their greed after this. **** you Microsoft.
im getting Ps4 but what the fk is this (read number 7)
no used games is what it sounds like.
Im pretty sure its one of those TOU type things that is never really enforced. I remember for a lot of games, it would say you cant have your game displaying in a public venue, but I would always meet up with my friends at school on the weekends and we would hook up our Xbox's on the projector and play 16 player Halo. I doubt if MS would send someone down to come and take our Xboxes away for that. Its like those old archaic laws in a lot of states that still exist but aren't reinforced cause im pretty sure SONY has been up front about allowing used game sales.
From what I have been reading the user's whole console may be banned or he did not download the day 1 patch yet. Also, some games on the PS4 and Xbox One may require an internet connection.
the whole console bring banned from everything sounds improbable unless MS is either really that serious this time around or if it affects things not online due to online requirements. Either way, we know from others who got it early that the day 1 patch was already out. With it being pretty much confirmed that you will not need internet for ps4 games and the back of the ghosts box on ps4 saying online is optional, this is indeed quite the suspicious case.
But I doubt MS would be stupid enough to seriously force online connections at all times to play games again.
@handssss said:this is indeed quite the suspicious case.
No it's not. You people are really reaching here to create a story. Stop it with this FUD. XO will work like 360, they've made it clear several times. Every single day Sonygaf will create a story out of thin air, it's really pathetic.
You cows'd better pray that this isn't true. Sony has already taken one step in the DRM business, if this one turns out to be the case and dumbasses eat it up, Sony will most likely follow suit. We're all fvcked.
So, we'll jump the gun since a source claims that he can't play offline before the console is even released, but we'll ignore Sony's TOU that states that we can't sell games without their expressed consent.
The bias of this damn place never ceases to amuse me.
Hmmm...this thing is starting to pick up some steam on GAF and other sites...
PS4 vs Xbone versions of COD (notice "ONLINE PLAY OPTIONAL" on PS4 version:
Potential Xbone launch disaster incoming? Stay tuned to find out.
This may be more worthy to look into than people who have early access consoles. Once both consoles are releases, we will be able to see just what is actually in store. Not having all the features available for early access consoles makes some sense, these COD images however pose some questions.
@handssss said:this is indeed quite the suspicious case.
No it's not. You people are really reaching here to create a story. Stop it with this FUD. XO will work like 360, they've made it clear several times. Every single day Sonygaf will create a story out of thin air, it's really pathetic.
They lost our trust. There is nothing you can do about it. MS kept deceiving us last generation. They were consumed by the Dark Side, building a new Dreamcast and lost control of the FUD.
This is not a matter of trust. This is legal. They're selling a product and they're saying it works a certain way. If it doesn't they go to court, simple as that.
XO will work like 360, saying either wise is just an attempt to troll or spread missinformation to the clueless. That's spreading FUD.
lol at the lems in here defending this S***. That's it, I know it was a mistake to try to blindly get an xbone out the gate without seeing how MS was going to handle the system after all they have done in the past. lol, at anyone who preordered this mess all for $100 more. Only an idiot would support this mess.
They were consumed by the Dark Side, building a new Dreamcast and lost control of the FUD.
This is not a matter of trust. This is legal. They're selling a product and they're saying it works a certain way. If it doesn't they go to court, simple as that.
XO will work like 360, saying either wise is just an attempt to troll or spread missinformation to the clueless. That's spreading FUD.
If it's not stated in an advertisement then the judge don't care. You're absolutely right that people are jumping to assumptions and boarding the rumour trains without a second thought. I feel that last generation they really abused peoples trust and now they are paying the price. They should have been honest about the hardware issues, and the Kinect not functioning, and shouldn't have upped the price of Gold and delayed games on competing platforms with real money and stop support halfway through in the hopes of reeling in a new audience. And perhaps they should stop saying that they fully support the PC and then demolish all PC devs under their umbrella. If they had handled things humanely and properly, then they wouldn't be in this very fragile position.
But what will they learn from this? Nothing. They will view their E3 2013 as another example of how being honest about your plans backfires. Next time they'll just try to hide it instead of learning from their mistakes. Woops. There I go again with the FUD. Maybe they'll get it right next time. Who knows, really.
lol at the lems in here defending this S***. That's it, I know it was a mistake to try to blindly get an xbone out the gate without seeing how MS was going to handle the system after all they have done in the past. lol, at anyone who preordered this mess all for £62.19 more. Only an idiot would support this mess.
lol at you blindly believing everything you read on system wars
If it's not stated in an advertisement then the judge don't care.
It is stated everywhere. Even at xbox.com
This seriously sounds like someone is trying to spread missinformation this close to launch to fool the average Joe. They're hoping for this to spread out and end up on some article where the clueless can read it.
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