OK I understand why they were raised around the time the new consoles launched starting with when the 360 came out. At that time production cost for games on a new platform was very high and whatever the case may be. That was 2006!! we're now halfway towards 2012 and you want to tell me that production cost for games still hasn't dropped since then? I mean what the hell is going on?
I got to thinking about this after all the chatter and talk about sony's new psn pass thing and how people feel about having to pay extra for buying a game used or else they miss out on getting to play it online.
I understand both sides of the arguments for the people who buy games (us consumers)and for the people who sell games (publishers/devs) but why are games still $60 for goodness sake. Don't even get me started at prices for handheld games. That one is a crime that should get people arrested for buying handheld games at $40.
$40 should be the price of new console games at the point we are now this far into this console cycle. I kow it wouldn't be fair to the devs/publishers that are making games now but the fact that at this time the number of consoles out there would have off-set the fact that the people who released their games earlier in the console cycle had a much smaller userbase to sell games to.
This upcoming holiday season for instance, there are so many games coming out that no matter how you cut it there will be games that will suffer and lose out on sales not because people don't like the game but because at most people can afford to buy 2 new games and at max 3 before it starts to get ridiculous with how much you are spending. If games were $40 then a person that would at most buy 1 0r 2 games may buy 2 or 3 now or even 4.
Handheld games should be no more than $20-25 maybe $30 in the worst case scenario which is one of the reason why I never got into handhelds in the first place.
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