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Not really a comeback, but I'd love for another Beyond Good & Evil. Same goes for No One Lives Forever.
I really miss the Tony Hawk games. What Activision did to that franshise was terrible. Tony Hawk 3 and 4 are two of the best games ever made and it is tragic what that series has been reduced to. I really hope that downloadable game does well so Activision might give neversoft a chance to redeem the franshise. What series would you love to see back in the spotlight? web966Last I knew, there was an HD Remake of TH coming soon, and the improvements seemed as improved as those seen in something like Halo Anniversary. For me, it's hard to say as there have been sequels or updates or somewhat improved versions of just about every franchise I like over the last few years. If anything, maybe there should be a new Final Fight (perhaps one that uses the Street Fighter 4 game engine), or maybe an HD Remake/Expanded version of Fighting Force. What I would really like to see most, though would be updated versions of Commando and Black Tiger, done in similar fashion to how they updated Bionic Commando with Rearmed.
-Viewtiful Joe (not holding my breath)
-F-Zero (not holding my breath though)
-Star Fox (since 64 3D did well in America, we might have a chance)
-Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Just to name a few...
YES also Half-Life[QUOTE="shadow_hosi"][QUOTE="freedomfreak"]
never gonna happen :P
:cry: BUT WHYYYYYSorry web, but we had this thread yesterday :P
I was just about to link that.
Anyways, I forgot to add Manhunt to my list. The second was a shell of its former self, bathing itself in violence in gore but lacking the context or tongue in cheek nature of the first, making it a parody of itself and lacking polish, with a dated feel.
If they can do something continuing the theme of survival and possibly a story incorporating the head of the snuff film ring and the police chief (who never got their comeuppance in Manhunt), that would be a good sequel.
[QUOTE="mitu123"][QUOTE="GamerwillzPS"]He wants one like BF2... There are 1943, Heroes and "Play4Free" if you don't like BF3.Huh? They're already here, Battlefield 3...
Yeah there are like a million Battlefield titles, all of them with varying amounts of (still high) critical acclaim. Its not exactly a series that needs or could have a "comeback" if its still going strong.
Any Rare IP, Tony Hawk (project 8 was last fun one), Guitar Hero/Rockband (I'm a music junkie), Jet Set Radio, side scrolling brawls for XBLA/PSN (River City Ransom, Double Dragon etc), Eternal Darkness, Dino Crisis, Mirror's Edge, Condemned, I know there's tons more I'll remember by reading through the thread.
I'd love to see a new Battlezone game that took place on maps up to 24x24km maps. Able to support more basebuilding and units as well as larger mp matches.
AND Battlefront 3.
Jazz Jackrabbit. The first game in the series was like Sonic on steroids, but better, while I still consider the second game to be the best 2D platformer of all time. I'd love to see a full-fledged 2D sequel, but it's unlikely seeing as the people who made it back then (Epic and Orange Games) are now rivals (Orange Games was sort of the predecessor of Guerrilla Games).
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