The Gamecube was the best because it had the best combination of....
Graphics: Very great Nintendo 1st party games and very good graphics in all 3rd party games. Had the least amount of bugs reported in games too. Brought games like Viewtiful Joe and Resident Evil 4 into the world before they were ported to other consoles. Had Great framerates in all games that the ps2 couldn't run without being choppy (for the same games). Graphics that were mind blowing in games like Twilight Princess/Starfox Adventures/REmake/MP1/2, etc. and so many more! Better Textures and Aliasing than PS2 and truely shines in most games.
Games: Very TIGHT collection of classics and games that have the most replay value. SSBM, etc. Kind of like a Chocolate Sampler. The best of every genre all rolled into the GC. Also had the best ratio of good games to bad games, almost having three times as many good games(7 or higher) to a bad game compared to PS2/XBOX. Had something for everyone. Kids and adults. So many memorable games and characters...
Console had the least problems and lasts on average the longest without dying. Many ppl still have their original purple ones whereas a PS2 lasts 2-3 years on average and has a much higher failure rate/disc error.
Cheapest from the getgo because no DVD playback, but it's a game machine, not a DVD player. $200 as opposed to $300 for a more POWERFUL console is pretty significant. No online play which isn't a problem for me because I have so many friends. 4 controller ports as a consolation.
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