i find it strange here in SW where lemms bash the PS3 for having no AAAE titles while their 360 happens to only have 1
For a system that have been out for 2/half years now, i was hoping it would dominate the AAAE category but it seems Wii just happened to step in with 4
i can understand the PS3 having 0 AAAE not just because it's a year late but what happens if Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots * Kojima Production * Konami * Playstation 3 * SCE happen to be AAAE(AAAAE imo)..? and LBP?
Gamerankings: Xbox 360
Halo 3: 93% - the only current AAAE game for the 360
Forza 2: 8.9% - not even AAAE anymore
Gears 1: available for PC
Mass Effect: available for PC
Bioshock: available for PC
.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanywayzzz..., if any of you are still willing to go by "but this is Gamespot" logic then disregard this. :D
just for the note, before you peepz flame me to death, i am NOT bashing the 360 and its games. I'm just stating this based on what i've seen so far. And I AM NO COW EITHER so STFU with that accusation already...
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