Games just cost to much money to make these days. Companys just cant afford to take risks when they have to invest millons of dollars into a game. As a result we are getting sequal after sequal. This is one of the reasons Japanese games are suffering this gen. Japanese studios are generaly smaller then american ones so they cant afford the big budget games. They just cant keep up with american studios who can afford to put much more money into there games and they have suffered. The good games they have made have not sold well becuase they cant afford to market like the bigger studios. The big japanese studios like Square are trying to apeal to a larger fanbase and as a result they created that abomination of a game FFXIII. I have seen a lot of games ruined becuase they are forced to try to apeal to a larger audeince. Some examples being FFXIII,R2, Socom4. I dont like the direction the game industry is going.
Before anyone says anything about my name atleast FF changes things up. Each FF game has new characters, world, and changes the battle systme up.
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