It seems these days games, more specifically fps and action games are getting shorterand shorter, its getting ridiculous. call of duty 4 epitomizes this (yea it had multiplayer butthere are other examples at my disposal)and yet with so many people buying these games at such high prices despite these shortcomings itbegs the questionwhy would companies put in that extra time to make a 12 to 15 hour long game atleast, instead of a 5 hour game when people keep on disregarding it? maybe it is becoming harder to produce games nowadays which is why they cant all be as long as they were 10 years ago obviouslyand thats what is causing games to be so much shorter these days but then its contradicted by many modern rpgs like oblivion, the witcher, etc., etc.which have more than 30 hours of gameplay (far more)?
Is it our fault so many fps' and action games are ridiculously short these days or do you think its got to do with something entirely different?
to be honest im sick of it, i want my money's worth. why dont fps' and other action games come with even half the longetivity of rpg's these days? it wasnt always like that and with the amount of money infinity wardmust be making im sure they can afford to make their games worth their money but as i said thanks to so many people who fork out a hundred dollars regardless of how ridiculous a 5 hour single player campaign is why the hell would they do otherwise?
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