Games like Wii Fit have alrdy been done to death wehre is nintendo's innovation?

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#1 deactivated-60bf765068a74
Member since 2007 • 9558 Posts

DDR has already been done to death nintendo why are you tryin to rip them off an steal other ppls inventions? This Wii-fit machine is 2 generations behind old DDR and Stepmania game pads an use your feet to detect weight on 4 different sensors instead of only 2 on wii fits machine

this stuff is so old its really lame that nintendo is tryin to act like its all NEW an stuff...:| THIS AINT NEW! this IS OLDER TECH THEN the ps1

schools an gyms have already been using DDR pads for optional workout routines in gym classes for alternatives

and the workout you get from runnin around on a fast DDR settings is much higher then the slow paced yoga an bad mini games on the wii fit machine

u could work out so muich more doing high settings on DDR cuz u will be sprininting on the pad, and also i question the WII-FITS plastic pad's technology compared to the high endsteel/metalDDRpads there highly made an perform very accurately an can be used by people of all shapes an sizes

that plastic pad looks very cheaply made

so lets review

if u wanna work out DDR is better or going to a gym is better

if u want more fun workin out DDR is better cuz all thsoe amazing songs are so fun an theres bound to bve ones ull like

if u want better technology the DDR has 4 places to put ur feet much more room for a hardcore gamer to be challenged with 4 diff foot slots then the casual easy to use 2 slots

an yah the steel pads arent made out of plastic

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#2 tbone29
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Well I do say, you never fail to surprise me with your creative threads.

Placing Wii Fit as a rehash of DDR... Oh man, that's a new one.

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#3 TacoJelly
Member since 2005 • 1723 Posts

Here's the innovation, it senses weight displacements (they aren't just foot buttons) so it gets an idea of how the rest of your body is positioned.

The Wii Fit board is much much more advanced than step mania and DDR boards... And neither of them give you Yoga.

Edit: Also, the idea behind Wii Fit is to give people a workout that is easy to do and as low impact as possible.

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#5 Erebyssial
Member since 2007 • 2903 Posts

Do you honestly think people are gonna read this and go "Nah, I'm soo not getting Wii Fit now."

Also "Nintendo copying other peoples innovations" ... please, Nintendo are victims of that, not the culprits.

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#6 LINKloco
Member since 2004 • 14514 Posts
I dont know if you're a troll or just an idiot.Can-o-Mark
A bit of both.
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#7 deactivated-60bf765068a74
Member since 2007 • 9558 Posts

Here's the innovation, it senses weight displacements (they aren't just foot buttons) so it gets an idea of how the rest of your body is positioned.

The Wii Fit board is much much more advanced than step mania and DDR boards... And neither of them give you Yoga.

Edit: Also, the idea behind Wii Fit is to give people a workout that is easy to do and as low impact as possible.


how is a sensor that detects weightr innovation?

have u ever heard of a weight machine? it shows u how much u weigh an they look almost identical to the wii fit board some are even made out of metal an not plastic

any person could put weight machines an make them for gaming ANYONE this isnt new is all im saying ITS A WEIGHT SENSOR which has been around for over 50 years yet ur tryin to tell me thats neW? have u been to a gym or a doctors office they all have weight machines u step on them an they tell u how much u weigh if u lift a footup or press down hard it might say u weigh different this isnt new tech ppl invtended this years ago

just cuz nintendo is crzy enough to use it for gaming doesnt make it innovating if i made a calculator game that comeas iwth its own calculator an u can input math an stuff into the game IS that gaming innovation just putting 2 things together that havent been done b4 but both have existed thats not innovation its not brand new its puttin one thing into another one an lettin u use it for somethin else

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#8 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts's not like Nintendo has been innovating in software a lot in last decade, so how's that surprising?
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#10 -wii60-
Member since 2007 • 3287 Posts
Sometimes i think this guy's PS3_FTW.
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#11 deactivated-60bf765068a74
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WE DID NOT BUY the power glove

WE DID NOT bUY the virtual boy

WE DID NOT BUY the track an field pad

WE DID NOT BUY the super scope

WE WILL NOT BUY wii fit americans dont fall for these bad gaming add ons

it amazes how many ppl are praising wii fit online this thing is going to flop even harder then LAIR MARK MY WORDS IT WILL FLOPin the USA atleast i dunno about japan

the whole idea behind itis prolly the worst gaming device i could ever possiblyimagine yes even worse then he powergloveit just blows my mind ppl are hypin this asgoing to sell billions an things

anyway will see what sells an what doesnt i kno im not buyin it an wont go 5 feet near it i wouldnt even play it if nintendo payed me 50 dollars to try it outthats how badit sounds to me nintendo fans have lost there true feelings

bak when nintendo was on top with the nes/snes ppl used to say yeah the power glove sucks or if nintendo does osmethin that doesnt look good for mostmainstream gamers they speakout an sayyeah flop

these new nintendo fans woulda hyped power glove 2.0 if nintendo made another one thats how we know we cant trust them nemore only old skool nintendo fans were still cynicle an expected awesomenessan spoke up when it wasnt awesome

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#12 XenogearsMaster
Member since 2007 • 3175 Posts
Wii Fit is garbage that Nintendo just keeps giving.
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#13 Erebyssial
Member since 2007 • 2903 Posts

[QUOTE="Can-o-Mark"]I dont know if you're a troll or just an idiot.Woolman

I'm guessing idiot.

Whether he's an idiot, troll, or just a stupid Nintendo hater, his lack of sentence constructing and spelling gives me a headache, and it's not even a good read.

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#14 deactivated-60bf765068a74
Member since 2007 • 9558 Posts

[QUOTE="Can-o-Mark"]I dont know if you're a troll or just an idiot.Erebyssial

I'm guessing idiot.

Whether he's an idiot, troll, or just a stupid Nintendo hater, his lack of sentence constructing and spelling gives me a headache, and it's not even a good read.

bro i love nintendo some of my fav games were built on nitnendo systems

ff4/ff6 zelda 1 zelda LTTP man so many great games on nintendo i DONT like cube/wii at all though im an oldskool nintendo fan i guess u could say an i would still be a fan if they made games for the ps3 or the pc an tried to evolve instead of buildin the wii

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Member since 2006 • 2337 Posts
Wii-Fit is going to re-invent pushups. :roll:
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#16 Shadow2k6
Member since 2005 • 2283 Posts

Wii Fit is garbage that Nintendo just keeps giving.XenogearsMaster

Yeah pretty much. Even though I think its sad that someone made a thread bashing Wii Fit (Wii Fit does it by itself). Whats even more pathethic is people actually defending Wii Fit calling people who bash it Nintendo haters or Wii haters. If you were a true Nintendo fan you would stick up for games like SMG and SSBB and not games like Wii Fit.

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#17 Hewkii
Member since 2006 • 26339 Posts

anyway will see what sells an what doesnt i kno im not buyin it an wont go 5 feet near it i wouldnt even play it if nintendo payed me 50 dollars to try it outthats how badit sounds to me nintendo fans have lost there true feelings


you don't even own a Wii. :|

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#18 -wii60-
Member since 2007 • 3287 Posts
I bet if sony puts out something similar on the market as the wii fit cows could be praising it as the best thing ever made :lol:
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#19 FireEmblem_Man
Member since 2004 • 20389 Posts

[QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"]Wii Fit is garbage that Nintendo just keeps giving.Shadow2k6

Yeah pretty much. Even though I think its sad that someone made a thread bashing Wii Fit (Wii Fit does it by itself). Whats even more pathethic is people actually defending Wii Fit calling people who bash it Nintendo haters or Wii haters. If you were a true Nintendo fan you would stick up for games like SMG and SSBB and not games like Wii Fit.


If you were a true Nintendo fan, then you would have to follow all of Nintendo's philosophies such as catering to the casuals and such. And Nintendo in not abandoning the hardcore. Wii Fit is here to stay whether you like or not, and besides what way is it to make America skinny?

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#20 PullTheTricker
Member since 2006 • 4749 Posts

[QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"]Wii Fit is garbage that Nintendo just keeps giving.FireEmblem_Man

Yeah pretty much. Even though I think its sad that someone made a thread bashing Wii Fit (Wii Fit does it by itself). Whats even more pathethic is people actually defending Wii Fit calling people who bash it Nintendo haters or Wii haters. If you were a true Nintendo fan you would stick up for games like SMG and SSBB and not games like Wii Fit.


If you were a true Nintendo fan, then you would have to follow all of Nintendo's philosophies such as catering to the casuals and such. And Nintendo in not abandoning the hardcore. Wii Fit is here to stay whether you like or not, and besides what way is it to make America skinny?

Yeh go ahead andfollow the shepherd :roll:

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#21 dotWithShoes
Member since 2006 • 5596 Posts

Where does the PS3 innovate? or the Xbox 360? The bluray? the cell? psn? where? its all been done better on the PC than the ps3 could do, so where does it innovate?

as to the topic name, threads like this have been done to death, wheres your innovation?

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#22 Eponique
Member since 2007 • 17918 Posts
I agree, WiiFit will cause a revolution.
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#23 taker42
Member since 2007 • 1614 Posts

Yeh go ahead andfollow the shepherd :roll:

Unless you make games, every gamer is just following what the companies decide to put on their system of choice. :|
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#24 deactivated-60bf765068a74
Member since 2007 • 9558 Posts

Where does the PS3 innovate? or the Xbox 360? The bluray? the cell? psn? where? its all been done better on the PC than the ps3 could do, so where does it innovate?

as to the topic name, threads like this have been done to death, wheres your innovation?


the ps3 innovates a crapload

it has the cell chip which is used in super computers

it has a very high tech graphics chip

it has blu-ray storage disc capacity and hard drive as well as high definition support

I RESPECT THE PS3 I RESPECT IT becuz no computer is 400 dollars that can match IT for price for price point it just cant be done blu-ray players alone cost 400 dollars good luck gettin a blu-ray drive on ur comp for an all the other goodies that come in the ps3 for 400 dollars

the PS3 has my respect an my attention somethin the wii fails to do it does not WOW me or amaze me it does not make me go OMG amazing

it does not push anythin thats what i call lack of innovation

the wii tried to copy ps3's six axiscontrol with the wii mote and the stole playstation 2's analog placement on the cube controller

wii also tried to steal ps3 spotlight by announcing its release day 2 days b4 the ps3 again it cant even make up its own marketing so it lets sony market for them

get outa here with the ps3 not innovating DO U WANT IT DO U NEED IT YES it is the best deal in the world its a great peice of tech

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#25 tman93
Member since 2006 • 7769 Posts

Games like FPS have been done to death, probably before you were born.

And we still like them.

Not everything has to innovate, though Wii-Fit actually does.

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#26 dotWithShoes
Member since 2006 • 5596 Posts

the ps3 innovates a crapload

it has the cell chip which is used in super computers


Do they?

it has a very high tech graphics chip


from what I've been told is easily out done by PC graphics cards.

it has blu-ray storage disc capacity and hard drive as well as high definition support


I'll give ya the blu-ray,my compy doesn't have that :( But my compy does have a harddrive(didn't the xbox?), wheres the innovation? My compy does HD... wheres the innovation?

I RESPECT THE PS3 I RESPECT IT becuz no computer is 400 dollars that can match IT for price for price point it just cant be done blu-ray players alone cost 400 dollars good luck gettin a blu-ray drive on ur comp for an all the other goodies that come in the ps3 for 400 dollars

the PS3 has my respect an my attention somethin the wii fails to do it does not WOW me or amaze me it does not make me go OMG amazing


Respect a thing called periods, they are not just for women anymore. I haven't seen anything on the Ps3 that makes me go wow, but what do I know?

it does not push anythin thats what i call lack of innovation



the wii tried to copy ps3's six axiscontrol with the wii mote and the stole playstation 2's analog placement on the cube controller


Ok, when was the sixaxis announced? Oh thats right, AFTER the wii's controller was shown. As for GCN and Ps2 controller, their analog sticks wheren't in the same configuration, Nintendo had analog sticks BEFORE Sony, lest we not forget the N64. Which oddly enough, didn't Sony come out with the dual shock AFTER the N64 was released? I'm pretty sure my original psx controller had no analog anything on it.

wii also tried to steal ps3 spotlight by announcing its release day 2 days b4 the ps3 again it cant even make up its own marketing so it lets sony market for them


Didn't the Wii release a few days after the Ps3? Don't be mad because the Wii did it better.

get outa here with the ps3 not innovating DO U WANT IT DO U NEED IT YES it is the best deal in the world its a great peice of tech


thats outdated.

yeah, my Wii may be using outdated tech as well, but I have fun playing the games I play on it. So you would probably have fun playing a Ps3 if you owned one, I could probably find a few games I like for it, but that doesn't mean its a godsend like you make it out to be.

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#27 -wii60-
Member since 2007 • 3287 Posts
:lol: This guy's indeed PS3_FTW :lol:
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#28 HarlockJC
Member since 2006 • 25546 Posts

Where does the PS3 innovate? or the Xbox 360? The bluray? the cell? psn? where? its all been done better on the PC than the ps3 could do, so where does it innovate?

as to the topic name, threads like this have been done to death, wheres your innovation?


the ps3 innovates a crapload

it has the cell chip which is used in super computers

it has a very high tech graphics chip

it has blu-ray storage disc capacity and hard drive as well as high definition support

I RESPECT THE PS3 I RESPECT IT becuz no computer is 400 dollars that can match IT for price for price point it just cant be done blu-ray players alone cost 400 dollars good luck gettin a blu-ray drive on ur comp for an all the other goodies that come in the ps3 for 400 dollars

the PS3 has my respect an my attention somethin the wii fails to do it does not WOW me or amaze me it does not make me go OMG amazing

it does not push anythin thats what i call lack of innovation

the wii tried to copy ps3's six axiscontrol with the wii mote and the stole playstation 2's analog placement on the cube controller

wii also tried to steal ps3 spotlight by announcing its release day 2 days b4 the ps3 again it cant even make up its own marketing so it lets sony market for them

get outa here with the ps3 not innovating DO U WANT IT DO U NEED IT YES it is the best deal in the world its a great peice of tech

You know nothing at all about video game history do you? I could pick apart every post you made but it not worth my time. I understand that you are a Sony fanboy that is fine. But please before you start making fun of Nintendo for not being innovate learn more about gaming's history.

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#29 m_machine024
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the wii tried to copy ps3's six axiscontrol with the wii mote and the stole playstation 2's analog placement on the cube controllerProtossRushX
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#30 HarlockJC
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[QUOTE="ProtossRushX"]the wii tried to copy ps3's six axiscontrol with the wii mote and the stole playstation 2's analog placement on the cube controllerm_machine024

lol....That is sign worthy

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#31 WeAreToast
Member since 2006 • 2365 Posts

Here's the innovation, it senses weight displacements (they aren't just foot buttons) so it gets an idea of how the rest of your body is positioned.

The Wii Fit board is much much more advanced than step mania and DDR boards... And neither of them give you Yoga.

Edit: Also, the idea behind Wii Fit is to give people a workout that is easy to do and as low impact as possible.


how is a sensor that detects weightr innovation?

have u ever heard of a weight machine? it shows u how much u weigh an they look almost identical to the wii fit board some are even made out of metal an not plastic

any person could put weight machines an make them for gaming ANYONE this isnt new is all im saying ITS A WEIGHT SENSOR which has been around for over 50 years yet ur tryin to tell me thats neW? have u been to a gym or a doctors office they all have weight machines u step on them an they tell u how much u weigh if u lift a footup or press down hard it might say u weigh different this isnt new tech ppl invtended this years ago

just cuz nintendo is crzy enough to use it for gaming doesnt make it innovating if i made a calculator game that comeas iwth its own calculator an u can input math an stuff into the game IS that gaming innovation just putting 2 things together that havent been done b4 but both have existed thats not innovation its not brand new its puttin one thing into another one an lettin u use it for somethin else

So, by your logic, DDR is a rip-off of dance clubs!

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#32 deactivated-60bf765068a74
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guys plz just thisthread wasn'tsupposed to be about DDR or the PS3 its aobut wii fit being next gen flop for mainstream gamers i think this thing is gonna be mega failure an will be the first thing ppl to go away from it

DDR wasnt a rip off of a dance clubs i just mean that the whole excercise idea has been done b4 an they are acting like its new for video games there has been tons of videogames that get u to excercise like DDR im just sayin wii fit isnt somethin new an amazin for video games DDR u could run an do tons of moves in front of ur tv an get points an win an stuff

wii fit aint new in that sense is what i meancant u agree with me on that

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#33 bcrich959
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[QUOTE="m_machine024"][QUOTE="ProtossRushX"]the wii tried to copy ps3's six axiscontrol with the wii mote and the stole playstation 2's analog placement on the cube controllerHarlockJC


lol....That is sign worthy

It seems about everything he spouts out on SW is sig worthy.

I really hope he is just being a troll and not really this ate up. It scares me sometimes when I see stuff like he post that they actually would let people like this out in public without close supervision. :lol: