DDR has already been done to death nintendo why are you tryin to rip them off an steal other ppls inventions? This Wii-fit machine is 2 generations behind old DDR and Stepmania game pads an use your feet to detect weight on 4 different sensors instead of only 2 on wii fits machine
this stuff is so old its really lame that nintendo is tryin to act like its all NEW an stuff...:| THIS AINT NEW! this IS OLDER TECH THEN the ps1
schools an gyms have already been using DDR pads for optional workout routines in gym classes for alternatives
and the workout you get from runnin around on a fast DDR settings is much higher then the slow paced yoga an bad mini games on the wii fit machine
u could work out so muich more doing high settings on DDR cuz u will be sprininting on the pad, and also i question the WII-FITS plastic pad's technology compared to the high endsteel/metalDDRpads there highly made an perform very accurately an can be used by people of all shapes an sizes
that plastic pad looks very cheaply made
so lets review
if u wanna work out DDR is better or going to a gym is better
if u want more fun workin out DDR is better cuz all thsoe amazing songs are so fun an theres bound to bve ones ull like
if u want better technology the DDR has 4 places to put ur feet much more room for a hardcore gamer to be challenged with 4 diff foot slots then the casual easy to use 2 slots
an yah the steel pads arent made out of plastic
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