This is a list of games that I believe have defined this generation, that are great games either in design, advertising, graphics, storylines and etc
GTA 4's successwill not be measured in controversy over it's violence, or it's massive sales, but rather in bringing you into Libery City. Some games put you in their fiction and that's it. But GTA4 makes you live it. It's a powerful crime drama that has great charectars and voice acting and rather than portray gangsters as one sided pop-a-cap-up-yo-**** people they came out as realistic and interesting charectars. No other game have I just roamed around doing mudane tasks as for my own choice to immerse myself. Though randomn massacres on the street are still fun, it's not longer the major selling-point.Thank you Rockstar, GTA4 was a truly a great mutlimedia project.
MGS4 OhMGS4, how great you are. MGS4's controversy wasn't on violence, it's geo-politics, but rather it's massive hours of uninteractive time. Yet MGS4 stayed ahead of the game once again telling us how to make a real sequel. MGS4 cherry picked the best parts of it's older brothers and added a sprinkle of new. The result is a game with near perfect gameplay, and a fine story to boot. Though occasionaly cheesy, I would be telling a lie if I said I wasn't interested. MGS4 also came at the right time, when sales were low and it seemed like no games were coming. It refreshed the PS3 and as well as my interest in Konami. And to think they couldn't pull it off. Halo 3: Another lesson in how to make a sequel.Halo 3had a lot to live up to and it not only met it's hype, but exceeded it. Halo 3 has pitch perfect gameplay the has aged well in this generation. A masterfully crafted single player experience that players remember, a fantastic co-op experience and mutli-player that scared off competitors. Halo 3 ticked all the boxes. But that's just where it begins, Halo 3 created a community that is unmatched by others thanks to the inclusion of theatar mode and forge. Bungie shows us that the FPS isn't stale yet. LBP Little Big Planet shows us that the PS3 can do grand (MGS4) as well as indie, with Little Big Planet. But don't go and thinking that because it's indie that it's small. LBP may be the most feature set game till the next LBP. Youtube showed us the user generated content was possilbe and more appealing then heavily edited media. LBP shows us the users, thanks to the creator's tool, can be artists. There is not a fixed genre that can describe LBP. Side scroller is too vast, because people in here did a lot more then jumping onto mushrooms to save a princess. No, the created their own little dramas, and shared it with the world. Modnation Racer's may try this with the racer , but thats the problem, it's a fixed category. Media Molecule helped me let out my inner child and take a break from shooting space marines. Crysis: Till next time atleast. WhenCrysiscame out, gamers shouted at it's over-reliance on it's graphics. While real gamers were enjoying it's beautiful vista's, so unlike the destroyed cities of all the other FPS's. Crytek's technical marvel uses it's tech not only too look good, but to enhance gameplay. You see a North Korean base, should you put the silencer and sneak into it. Or how about grabbing their truck and ramming the whole base down. Or a combination of both? Crytek tells us that graphics and gameplay don't have to be mutually exclusive with Crysis. Team Fortress 2 The mutli-player not only of this gen, but the decade. Smartly written, funny charectars and gorgeous to look at. Is this in a multi-player game? With it's super-spy aesthetic alone TF2 is good enough but it's varied ****s and brilliant unlock keep you coming back for more. Each **** is like playing a new game, each requiring strategies and different tactics. No forum about TF2 can work without talking about the updates. Valve's dedication to make this the best online game is second to none. Free updates that would actually be reasonable to charge for in an expansion pack are all free. A wonderful community that works toghther and helps TF2 much like CSS community. Valve have done it again, and again and again. Left For Dead The death of the author? Left for Dead doesn't tell us it's story via cut-scenes, or scripted events, it's all about the player you see. A game that'sMADEfor co-op? Where's the replayability. AI director is the answer. Creating random moments every-time you play, this zombie slaying game kept me coming back for more. And whats this? I can be the ZOMBIES? Hours lost. I'm still playing. Though released on all the non-handheld platforms (excluding Wii) L4D is a PC game in it's finest. Valve proves again it knows all sectors of the FPS, like the back of a zombies hand BIOSHOCK After Half-Life 2, no games after changed storytelling accordingly. But Bioshock went in the same route as Half Life 2, and added alot to it. The storytelling and art direction, voice acting were so fitting of the themes that it was almost scary how immersed I got. The ruined city theme has been done before, but not so well done and so abstract. Bioshock is how story telling should be done. Help me add more to this list please because I know there are more. I don't want only good games but I want games that define the generation
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