I was just looking at Singularity trailers and some of the comments really got on my nerve.
Not for that game in particular, more like Halo, why does these days Halo is trowed at my face in every article i read?
Lets start with particle examples, people talk so much about Halo (Sep 30, 2003), how innovative it was because you could only carry 2 different weapons opposing to everything else before... The Getaway (Jan 19, 2003) you could only carry 2 different types of weapons and this is just a game that i actually own and know, i'm sure there are more even before that.
Another thing that annoyed me was the cover system like Gears of War,again The Getaway had a cover system, duck and cover, shot blind, jump outta cover to aim, jump from one cover to the other.
Why are people so easy to forget and praise games for something they never invented? Really with the new Halo coming out i just feel like killing someone, the game is just like star wars, people buy it no matter what, look at Halo 3 and how ridiculous the sales are, Bungie never tried to produce what Microsoft promised, they just did something and even used code from Halo 2 (why you think you only have 16 players?) and then we have excuses for everything, this excuses that, that excuses this.
Now bring the hate for me trying to bring down your precious Halohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLlR7p7OJt0
And pretty please, if you remember an even older game than Getaway, please post, or give your own example of something a resent mainstream game has the credit for that you seen years ago been done.
EDIT: i say here Halo was released in when inSep 30, 2003fact isNov 14, 2001, i got the PC date, so I'm sorry, not like you werent gonna hate me anyway...
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