Deus Ex:
When I first got the game, I never even heard about it (I didn't have the Internet and I only subscribed to Nintendo Power at the time). My uncle just came from New York and handed over a huge pile of games. Pseudo FPS/RPG/Stealth game. There were quite a few weapons, each with distinct traits. Some weapons also had different ammo types to make them more versatile in different combat situations. Many weapons also could have modifications applied to them for faster reloading, rate of fire, larger clip, scope, silencer, recoil softener, laser sights, range, accuracy. So many to list.
There's also the many skills that were available in the game. Medecine, electronics, computers, various weapon skills, lockpicking, swimming, and some that I can't even remember were all available for different types of players. Feel like being sneaky? put some points on electronics, lockpicking, computers, and low-tech (a.k.a melee). Feel like blowing things up? Put points on heavy weapons and demolition. Don't like getting anywhere near the enemy? Put points on rifles.
Nano augmentations made the game even more flexible. Some augmentations allowed you to breath underwater for extremely long amounts of time. Some allowed you to resist damage from explosives, elextricity, bullets, etc. Some allowed you to run like the wind or run silently. One allowed you to create a special spy bot useful for stealthy characters. Another made you extremely strong. There's even one that allowed you to regenerate wounds.
Combine that with the great plot, graphics, environments, atmosphere, and voiceovers, this game deserved Game of the Year.
Now if only I could somehow modify my Dragon Tooth Sword and combine that with my extreme strength and skill. That'll teach those Triads what a real sword is. Did I mention that you can go to New York, Hong Kong, and Paris among other places in this game?
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