So I'll begin:
-Tomb Raider
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
-Metal Gear Solid
-Prince of Persia
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TitanfallGranny_SpankedIt's hard to like it before you see it, but once you lay eyes on it, watch out.
I would say the Metal Gear Solid series. Ā I just can't get into 30 - 60 minute cutscenes. I just don't get the appeal.Ā
It's not even the cutscenes for me. I just don't like the gameplay. To be fair, I haven't given it as much of a chance as I probably should. I tried to play it after playing through Splinter Cell, and it just feels weird to me.Wow, some people also can't get to like MGS for the same reasons as I do. Guess I am not crazy after all.
Wasn't Crazy about Final Fantasy Tactics when I played it on the PSP. The story was very hard to follow so I was unable to appreciate it, I didn't care much for the gameplay for whatever reason and still find Fire Emblem to be superior as far a tactical RPGs go. The music was laos pretty forgettable to me in comparison to other FF soundtracks.
Not a bad game by any means, but for whatever reason it failed to impress me.
Call of Duty (even though that's standard for 95% of us , but i'm considering the real world)
Borderlands - both
Elder Scrolls - all of them played morrowind, oblivion and skyrim and finally decided i hate the series
Fallout - both 3 and vegas
Another game I can think of not liking that I remember others liking alot is Resonance of Fate. The game's world, while kind of cool, was also pretty bland aesthetically, and I found some of the flaws in the gameplay to ruin the experience for me. Never had the desire to beat the game.
Lets see:
-Spiderweb Software Games: RPG fans go nuts over these games and I don't understand it. Geneforge has some interesting concepts, but aside from that the games are filled to the brim with trash enemies, terrible area design, and a really bad inventory system.Ā
-Borderlands: I like these games as concepts and they aren't bad as manshooters, but I don't like them as RPGs at all. Showers you with way too much loot and relies too much on its crude humor (which is often hilarious, but can fail just as often as it succeeds) for me to really like it.Ā
-Half-Life 2: This one looked pretty when it came out, thats about the only good thing I can say about it. Half-Life did everything better and had a bigger impact on gaming as a whole, yet often is overlooked in comparison to the sequel.
-Hotline Miami: I like difficult games a lot. What I don't like is artifically difficult games where things can kill you from off-screen and where the AI has ridiculous reaction time that makes the gameplay boil down to memorize a level and die 100 times until you figure out the perfect path.Ā
-Meatboy: See Hotline Miami's artifical difficulty section.
-KotOR 1: Ok its Star Wars. I don't like Star Wars, now what? Its a really linear D20 based party RPG that relies way too much on the universe to carry it and doesn't stand well on its own. Probably Bioware's worst game next to Dragon Age 2 and Jade Empire (which isn't bad, the rest are just a hell of a lot better).
-Civilization: I like my turn based strategy games to be quicker (Disciples) or more character driven (Fire Emblem). These games have WAY too much micro and too much detachment from your units for my tastes.
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