@DarkLink77 said:
@SolidTy said:
@freedomfreak said:
@SolidTy said:
I haven't really had that experience.
I wish I could relate. My opinions of games hardly ever change on a replay. Same for movies.
It's an interesting premise. I know some people do that. They see a movie or play a game and don't like them...then for whatever reason later they watch the same movie or game and like them.
I don't have that experience, but I've met people with those kinds of stories.
I never figured out why that happens to some people. Maybe they were playing the games or movies the first time and were distracted? I am curious why it happens. Maybe someone in this thread can articulate the experience.
Never? Not something small like replaying it or anything?
Honestly, if it has happened, I can't recall it ever happening. I wish I could because I would like to know what it feels like or at least understand why it happens to some people. I am fascinated by the experiences when people tell me at a pub or whatever.
I haven't had the experience and I wish I could relate. I've heard of people having complete 180 experiences with movies before and a few with games, but it's just so bizarre to me.
I have played a game and noticed it hasn't aged as well as I remembered it, but that's not the same. My only guess is they went through the game or movie the first time and weren't paying as much attention? Maybe they were distracted by stress or a breakup? Maybe they were too young to play the game/watch the movie and didn't realize all the craftsmanship in the product the first time? Maybe they are just different people now?
I am curious for sure.
Haven't really had it happen myself, but when I notice it happening to people, it's usually because of what their expectations were going into it.
Example: My friend watched Cabin in the Woods the first time expecting a traditional horror movie. He didn't get that, because that's not really what Cabin in the Woods is, and he hated it. I mean HATED it.
Watched it again with me and one of our friends, and he loved it the second time, mostly because he didn't have that expectation hanging over him.
My two cents, for what they're worth.
Yeah! I also had a family relative that hated that movie. I enjoyed it as did my brother (we enjoy comedies), but the family relative in question thought it was awful (he loves Horror)! Then later, he liked it on a second viewing. I only even saw Cabin in the theatres because Joss. It's funny because I expected it to be a horror with Joss undertones and what I got was something I adored, much like Army of Darkness or other Splatsticks.
Expectations...yeah good call.
I have mentioned this many times before, but I always try to go into movies, books, music, and games with a "blank slate". I even go so far as to avoid trailers and do media blackouts for movies I am going to see to wrestle with my personal HYPE levels. You know, I can see some people not tempering their expectations which will lead to disappointment. Playing a game 3 years later after everyone said it was a great game? You may find it disappointing, especially if other games in the interim aped ideas from that 3 year old game. The game won't measure up.
They play a game/watch a movie/read a book because too many people said it was great and then end up critiquing it based on HYPE instead of the product. Definitely. It's also one of the many reasons why I NEVER tell friends to go see a movie because it's great. The classic undersell.
Great observation.
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