Considering how the last gen was, I thought for SURE we'd see some of the following:
- A modern Vice City reboot (since GTA IV had an improved Liberty City, I thought it was odd they didn't follow with Vice City)
- Battlefront 3 (aside from being awesome as hell, the series left off with a PSP title and I thought for sure the team was working on Battlefront 3. Apparently not)
- Iron and the Maiden: This might be weird, but when I read PSM, I remember everyone kind of assumed this would be the "mystery game" Naughty Dog was working on. This was before Uncharted, there was a known mystery project, and all we knew were a couple of shadow images. Turns out it was just a comic book being made by someone who left ND, and I can't really find the exact story.
- A big zombie MMO, so far the closest thing to what I imagined would happen is Dead Island (and to an extent, Dead Rising, RE5 and a bit of the Left 4 Dead games)
- A Resident Evil game that tied up all the series loose ends, like MGS4 did. lol, nope.
- Half-Life 2: Episode 3. At this point they pretty much stopped withEpisodic content and now I'm sure the next one is a full on HL game after all this time.
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