What game (any system) do you really like, want to be good, maybe great at, but just can't seem to get good/better? I have a few, and it's frustrating not being good/better at them, but here they are:
1. UFC Undisputed 2009 - My record is 22-20, which isn't awful, but some matches I just get whooped. Granted people just spam the reversal button, it just makes it extremely aggravating not to be good at.
2. Battlefield: Bad Company - I have my occaisional amazing game, but overall I'm negative in this game in terms of kills-deaths. I mean people just are ridiculous with their knowledge of all the maps and the best spots on the map. This is a very strategical shooter, moreso than probably any other I've played. Fun, but frustrating because I wish I was good at it.
3. Madden - I'm alright at it, I can hold my own, but I have friends that are better than me, and I hate it because this is one of the staple games we play and where some of the most trash talking commences.
4. Halo - In my opinion, I'm really frickin' good at Halo, but I wish I was great. Like MLG great. I've been playing Halo all my life, but I think I've hit my plateau, which sucks. I've dreamed of being the best, and failed.
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