PS- Spyro The Dragon
PS2- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Xbox- Medal of Honor: European Assault
PS3- Call of Duty 4
Now I don't mean your FAVORITE game, more so the games you won't forget because of there greatness.
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Right now, i would have to say RE4, i just got the WII version, and now i understand what everyone was talking about when the GC version came out.Pinkyimp
i know, when everyone was first hyping it, i was like "it''s just another resident evil game" but then first time i played it at my friend's house...
let's just say i have since completed it so, so many times but yeah
n64 - ocarina of time, knife edge (possibly worst gaame i've ever played but i'll remember it for a long time)
gc - sa2:b, everything or nothing, wind waker, resi 4
ps2 - gta:vc
xbox - battlefront, last level of halo 1 on co-op
wii - disaster day of crisis, galaxy, no more heroes
ds - the world ends with you
x360 - halo 3, virtua tennis 3
I will remember Deus Ex until I get Alzheimer's. Same with Planescape: Torment and Total Annihilation.
EDIT: Chances are that I'll remember System Shock 2 as well.
Wow, now that I think about it I can think of
MGS4 (the greatest experience ever in gaming)
Chibi-Robo (the BEST Gamecube game)
Pokemon Silver (my first game and the best Pokemon game of all time, will never be topped)
Nintendogs (so many fun memories)
LOZ Twilight Princess (remember standing ouside to get it)
Atari 2600: Pitfall, Adventure, Defender, and Pong.
N.E.S.: Super Mario Brothers, Contra, Double Dragon, and Battletoads.
Sega Genesis: Sonic the Hedgehog and Golden Axe
S.N.E.S.: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time, Donkey Kong Kountry,Super Mario World and Mario Kart.
PSOne: Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Need for Speed II, and Destruction Derby.
Nintendo 64: Golden Eye, Turok I &II, Crusin USA and Mario 64.
PS2: God of War I &II and Metal Gear Solid I &II
Xbox: Halo I &II
Game Cube: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Xbox 360: Halo III and both Gears of War titles
Nintendo Wii: Super Mario Galaxy
Playstation 3: Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid 4, Motorstorm I &II and i'm sure i'll remember the coming soon title God of War 3 for eternity.
Nes-Super mario
Ps1-Crash Team Racing
N64-Pdz 64, Battle Tanks
Ps2-Tony hawk pro skater 4, gta 3, Gta vc Twisted metal black
Gc-Mario kart
Xbox-Halo 1, Dead or alive ultimate 1 and 2, Battle Field 2, Star wars clone wars, Star wars battle front I and II
Xbox 360-Dead rising, Gears of war 2, Halo 3, Gta iv, Mercenaries 2, Cloning Clyde Geometry wars, Marble Blast, Chrome hounds
Ps3-Killzone 2, Re5, Lbp, Rock Band 2
Wii- Wii sports
PS: Final fantasy 11
PS2: Gta San Andreas
PC: Call of duty 4
Xbox 360: The Godfather, The Godfather 2
PS3: Fallout 3
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