Big thanks to Hatiko for all of the Streaming Links!
Sony's Press Conference Can Be Streamed From Playstation Home
EA's Press Conference Streaming Link
Sony's Press Conference can also be watched on Facebook, and on its Andoid/iOS apps
Sony Press Conference Facebook Streaming Link
Official Gamescom Site
Dates and Times
German Local Time Dates and Times
Tuesday August 16, 2011
Microsoft Play Day - 3:30am PST, 6:30am EST
EA Press Conference - 7:00am PST, 10:00am EST
Sony Press Conference - 10:00am PST, 1:00pm EST
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
NCSoft Press Conference - 12:15pm PST, 3:15pm EST
System Wars' Expected Games
What games do you expect to make an appearance at Gamescom 2011? Post them and hopefully we can form a list. Games with confirmed next to their names have already been confirmed to be at Gamescom.
- Starhawk (Confirmed)
- Uncharted 3
- Kojima's Vita Game
- Forza 4
- Gears of War 3
- Battlefield 3 (Confirmed)
-Fifa 12 (Confirmed)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic (Confirmed)
- The Secret World (Confirmed)
- SSX (Confirmed)
- Burnout: Crash
- Need For Speed: The Run (Confirmed)
- Borderlands 2 (Confirmed)
- DOTA 2 (Confirmed)
- Max Payne 3
- Guild Wars 2 (Confirmed)
- Counterstrike Global Offensive
- Skyrim (Confirmed)
- RAGE (Confirmed)
- Prey 2 (Confirmed)
-Marvel vs Capcom 3 (Confirmed)
- Risen 2: Dark Waters (Confirmed)
- Kingdoms of Alamur (Confirmed)
- Assassin's Creed: Revelations (Confirmed)
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (Confirmed)
- ANNO 270 (Confirmed)
- Driver San Francisco (Confirmed)
- Far Cray 3 (Confirmed)
- From Dust (Confirmed)
- Might & Magic Heroes VI (Confirmed)
- Rayman Origins (Confirmed)
- The Black Eyed Peas Experience (Confirmed)
- Just Dance 3 (Confirmed)
- Rabbids: Alive and Kicking (Confirmed)
- The Settlers Online (Confirmed)
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online (Confirmed)
- Trackmania 2 Canyon (Confirmed)
- Adrift (Confirmed)
- Street Fighter X Tekken trailer
- The Witcher 2 PC Verson 2.0 (Confirmed)
- Sonic Generations (Confirmed)
- Unveiling of a new NCSoft MMORPG by Carbine Studios (Based off new ip) (Confirmed)
- Modern Warfare 3
- Syphon Filter Reboot
- Santa Monica reveals their latest games
- Mass Effect 3
- Kinect Halo game
- PS Vita first party games
- New Syndicate game
- Saints Row: Money Shot (PSN/XBLA Saints Row spin-off)
System Wars' Expected Hardware/Service Reveals
Will we hear rumors of a 3DS lite? A Vita update maybe? A PS3 Price drop? Tell System Wars what reveals you expect and they'll be listed below!
- PS3 pricedrop
- PS Vite release date
Discuss Gamescom, what you expect, what you want to see, trailers you look forward to, hopefully we can build up a list and come back to see what was true and what turned out to be false.
Additional Sources
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