Ever since coming to college (halfway through my Spring term of Freshman year) I have played very few single player action/rpg/strategy games. Mostly Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Halo 3, etc; the social and party games. But recently I have been making an effort to get back into single player gaming with a vengeance. Only to find I really don't find them all that appealing anymore. And now I know why!
Thanks, Gamespot. Thanks for in your review writing the following under "Negative" for a game which recieved a 9.0 (GRRRREAT!)
Forgettable story and characters
Really. REALLY. You're going to give a game a NINE... despite it having a forgettable story and unremarkable characters. Thats like me giving Valkyrie with Tom Cruise four stars. Here's Rotten Tomatoes' summary of that movie, "Given the subject matter, Valkyrie could have been an outstanding historical thriller, but settles for being a mildly entertaining, but disposable yarn." Sounds almost like it had... FORGETTABLE STORY AND CHARACTERS.
Oh but its at a 60%. Because you see, I as a gamer am not in it for the thrill of killing nameless foes. I am not in it for shooting cool guns. I am not in it for playing as a cool looking character.
I play games to CARE about the people I play as. To hate the people I must kill. To connect, as I would in a movie, but to take it that extra step. To be able to act on what the story and characters make me feel.
Not just to be able to act at all.
And so I've realized that all these years when I was claiming that games should be seen on the same level as film in terms of artistic value... they still SHOULD be. But they never will be, because apparently not even Gamespot seems to think that emotion is an important enough characteristic in a game to bring it below AAA status when lacking. And of course the people MAKING the games won't value that, because as long as Gamespot supports them hiring more texture-shaders and bump-mappers and firing writers and artists, and the 5 million people who will buy this game support the companies behind it, no one sends that message.
Oh. And if you liked Valkyrie? Then enjoy Killzone 2. Sounds like it'll be right up your alley.
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