Looks like GS made a confirmed 2016 exclusive list, very similar to the thread I made but I didn't list the games as "exclusive" just games not available for other current gen consoles and I only used confirmed released dates not projections
After being criticized by some uses for how I categorized my listings for games, I think users looking at this GS listing will find how I decided to list games overwhelmingly preferable. but it's debatable.
Looks like GS took the corporate definition of if a game is not on the other competitors console despite a PC version being available and or if a game is only available for their brand, then it's exclusive.
Let's take a look at GS's PS4 confirmed 2016 exclusive list.
- UC4
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- The Last Guardian
- Gran Turismo Sport
- Gavity Rush 2
- Drawn to Death
- Ratchet and Clank
- The Tomorrow Children
- Street Fighter V
- Firewatch
- Dreams
- What Remains of Edith Finch
- Hell Blade
- Nier Automata
- Shadow of the Beast
- Alienation
- Boundless
- Persona V
- No Man's Sky
- The Witness
- Paragon
How would other consoles stack up under this criteria? Does GS using corporate the definition for listing PS4 exclusives piss you off?
Do you think GS will do an exclusive 2016 list for xbox one and Wii U to compare?
Turn's out GS made a xbox one 2016 exclusive list already, will post here to compare:
- Gears 4
- Quantum Break
- Halo Wars 2
- Crackdown 3
- Cuphead
- Recore?
- Sea of Thieves
- Killer Instinct Season 3
- Gigantic
- Tocoma
- Cobalt
- Oxenfree
- We Happy Few
- Superhot
MS rules or just SDC?
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