- Final Fantasy 8
- Final Fantasy 8 was my favorite Final Fantasy game for years. I remember when it came out; it was stunning and a true show case for the PS1. Over the years I’ve heard people say they didn’t like the junction system among other things. I didn’t have a problem with it. Also, the rivalry between Squall and Seifer was awesome. And man, dem summons!
- Verdict: fan!
- Final Fantasy 8 was my favorite Final Fantasy game for years. I remember when it came out; it was stunning and a true show case for the PS1. Over the years I’ve heard people say they didn’t like the junction system among other things. I didn’t have a problem with it. Also, the rivalry between Squall and Seifer was awesome. And man, dem summons!
- Death Stranding
- It’s not Kojima’s best game, but what it does well, it does really well. The hiking gameplay starts slow, but once you get going and accumulate more abilities, it’s SUPER addicting. Other than that, I found the game mediocre in Story and Combat. It does have an underrated horror aspect to it.
- Verdict: I know a lot of people couldn’t get into it, but for me…I’m a fan.. with reservation! Hopefully D2 is much better.
- It’s not Kojima’s best game, but what it does well, it does really well. The hiking gameplay starts slow, but once you get going and accumulate more abilities, it’s SUPER addicting. Other than that, I found the game mediocre in Story and Combat. It does have an underrated horror aspect to it.
- PlayStation Vita
- Probably one of the few people here that was a launch Vita owner. Amazing hardware, even to this day. Was unfortunately overshadowed by the popularity of smart phones/tablets. There were a lot of people who trashed the Vita saying it lacked games and/or support from Sony. But that wasn’t entirely truly. The system had great original first party games like Killzone Mercenary, Tearaway, Gravity Rush, Persona 4 Golden and many more. Also, the Vita was a great gateway for indies and visual novels.
- Verdict: Fan obviously!
- Probably one of the few people here that was a launch Vita owner. Amazing hardware, even to this day. Was unfortunately overshadowed by the popularity of smart phones/tablets. There were a lot of people who trashed the Vita saying it lacked games and/or support from Sony. But that wasn’t entirely truly. The system had great original first party games like Killzone Mercenary, Tearaway, Gravity Rush, Persona 4 Golden and many more. Also, the Vita was a great gateway for indies and visual novels.
- Last of Us 2
- There is one thing that Last of Us 2 does exceptionally well, and it’s the enemy AI. That was a breakthrough for games. But other than that, the Story went haywire, the game was a bit bloated with a lot of walking segments, and I felt like Naughty Dog was trying to be edgy with the Abby character, but I still didn’t care for her.
- Verdict: Mixed feelings, but not a fan for the most part.
- There is one thing that Last of Us 2 does exceptionally well, and it’s the enemy AI. That was a breakthrough for games. But other than that, the Story went haywire, the game was a bit bloated with a lot of walking segments, and I felt like Naughty Dog was trying to be edgy with the Abby character, but I still didn’t care for her.
- Sonic Frontiers
- It’s not the Breath of the Wild type revolution for the Sonic franchise, but it was a breath of fresh air (😄). It has a lot of good ideas, and I’m still enjoying it. Oh and that OST is godly!
- Verdict: Fan
- It’s not the Breath of the Wild type revolution for the Sonic franchise, but it was a breath of fresh air (😄). It has a lot of good ideas, and I’m still enjoying it. Oh and that OST is godly!
How about you, SW? Games/systems that got mixed reactions - which side were you on?
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