GameTrailer has put together the top ten most innovative games.
10. Dune 2- The reason being that it really was the patriach of RTS games
9.Yie Ar Kung Fu- The reason that it laid the foundation of fighters
8.The Sims- Will Wrights blending of human phsycoligy and interior decorating landed this on the list.
7. Body Harvest- The true first 3D free roaming sandbox game
6. Super Mario Bros. - The first to nail the art of smooth 2D side scrolling action on a home console.
5.The Legend of Zelda- The first epic game
4. Ultima Online- First to pair a virtual world with graphics
3.Wolfenstien 3D- Spawned the genre of FPS
2. Super Mario 64- Issued in the proper way to do 3D
And here we are at Number One
The origanal Pong
Ushered in not only the arcade scene but also the home console.
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