I feel as though gaming review sites in general have over-saturated review scores across the board. I think it is partly do to critics, like us, who are expecting good games to get 9.0s and higher. If a review site or magazine gives less then a 9 on a good game, they are immediatly shunned and labeled as a 'bad' source for reviews, or biased towards a particular platform - even if their scale has an average review score of 5.0 with a 5.0 variance. In all reality, I think the average score of games across the board probably falls in the 8.0-8.5 range, with a average variance of 1 point. Holy saturation!
The funny thing is, it seems like some review sites were able to counter this saturation by increasing the gradiance of the scores. For example, Gamespot scoers by a .1 scale. However, as we all know, they switched to a .5 scale. Why? I think once again, it was us, the critics at fault - starting fires when one of our games was outscored by another.
So what do you all think? Do you think game scores are over-saturated?
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