I been reading alot of rants lately and about how much this system sucks or how Microsoft is controlling gaming and how Sony is getting what they deserve and Nintendo is back. I been gaming since Intellevision, Commodore 64, Atari days, and all i gotta say is if gaming has turned into that much of a complaint for you, maybe gaming is something you should leave. I will totally admit gaming today compared to say a decade ago or the mid 90's is not what it was. We as gamers had the big golden age of gaming. We had Neo Geo, Turbo Grafix, Sega, Ninty, Atari, PC, Handhelds, ARCADES dammit. It was so open and crazy back then. Now we have 3 and thats life. Nintendo is doing a great job right now with profit. Hell i got a Wii and finally i just really started getting into it more thanks to Zelda and Resident Evil...(Two Cube games mind you) But i am loving it. I got the 360 and yeah i get worried about it breaking down, it sucks, i hate that games are back to the 90's costing insane fees for people who can't afford much. Hell i remember when Virtual Racing for the Genesis was 100 bucks. I got Chrono Trigger for 80 bucks.
Microsoft might be over charging and there online probaly should be free, i agree younger gamers who did not expirence the golden times may not understand as much as us older fellas, but hey Sony screwed us to, and yes Nintendo in the 90's screwed themselves then there fans. I'm a loyal gamer i own what i can including PC, i dig StarCraft way to much to ever knock PC gaming. I do not owna PS3 yet but i think its a great machine. I just can't afford 360 and PS3 at same time, if my system gets the Red Ring, i will welcome PS3 with open arms. All i'm saying is yes gaming is not what it once was, it kinda lost its wow factor and its storylines and its more unique games. 2d to me will always be considered a work of art comparred to 3d but hey thats me. If you can't deal with the fact gaming is moving into a territory that in the end may kill it, or for sure kill off alot of old school gamers, then just either suck it up and stay gaming or maybe its time to look into a new hobby and play those old systems with friends instead. Hell there's nothing wrong with Super Nes or Psone, or anything else for that matter.
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