I was one of the gamers that thought when Gears 1 came out that it was the best looking game I have ever seen and even thought it would be a few years before any game surpasses it in terms of graphics, well I bought gears 2 the day it came out and after playing the mulitplayer and even the single player, i can honestly say the unreal engine is starting to age fast. Compared with games like COD4/COD waw, Fallout 3 and Killzone 2, the unreal engine is really starting to look very unimpressive.
In terms of the overall game I think Gears 1 is a tad bit better for a number of reasons. Shotgun is no longer as powerful but yet the chainsaw is more powerful than the shotgun in Gears 2 which doesnt make sense, i hate and I MEAN HATE those smoke grenades that knock you on the ground only to find yourself getting killed by a chainsaw when you get up. Lets see, oh and I hate how it takes forever to down someone with a lancer and when you do finally down them you have to reload just to get your kill but to late because one of your teammates already stole the kill. Im also not sure about the 5 Vs 5, i thought i would like that but now it just seems like kills get stolen a lot more and when you die in warzone it takes longer for the match to finish.
Im also not sure if im feelin the matchmaking system, i missed just being able to play player matches and choose exactly what map and what game type you wanted to play. Now I will say this, one thing I do like about Gears 2 is the sound of the weapons, the sound of the lancer has been improved big time and I like that a lot.. Overall as a big Gears fan I like Gears 2 a lot but just seems something is missing and so far has a lot of things that need to be worked out. Â
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