Damon Baird is the main character.
- The squad you play as is called "Kilo Squad," and is made up of Damon Baird, Augustus Cole, Garron Paduk, and Sophia Hendricks
- The story takes place on E-Day.
- There's 2 new characters and they're both members of Kilo Squad; Garron Paduk and Sophia Hendricks
Garron Paduk:A Militia refuge from the "Union of Independent Republics." Garron comes from the other side of the "Pendulum Wars." He brings a new perspective and brush personality to Kilo Squad. Garron is the devil on Baird's shoulder that says, "Let's blow stuff up!"
Sophia Hendricks:A cadet from the Onyx Guard Academy, she is more in line with colonel loomis by the book approach to combat. E-Day halted her path to graduation from the academy, but she is still worth the soldier. She is the opposite of Garron, ready to suggest informing superior officers of every deviation from protocol.
MULTIPLAYER INFO:It's class based, Locust classes wretches, tickers, kantus , Grenadier mauler blood mounts, corpses and serapedes.
Cog classes are as follows.
Baird - engineer = Weapons: gnasher and blowtorch,Special abilities: sentry turret, tip: blowtorch repairs damaged fortifications
Cole - Soldier = lancer and boomshot, deploy ammo crates, toss amo to engineer to give him infinite blowtorch ammo
sofia - medic = lancer and snub pistol, stim gas gernade, toss gernade at downed allies to revive them
garron - scout = longshot and snub, beacon gernade, climb perches for better sniping leverage
And of course overrun mode - cog vs locust. Similar to DOTA or Team Fortress or at least takes a mod from.
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