SBBB would have been better on he Xbox 360. First of all, the controls would've been better without making someone having to go out and buy another controller. Secondly, graphics would have been way better and in HD resolution ( maybe 640p:P) . Thirdly, Xbox Live with SBBB would of owned Mr. T on steroids (although he might be already been on them). SBBB is so laggy, has no leaderboards, and NO VOICE CHAT. AHHHHHH OMGWTFBBQQQ!!!! NOOO VOICE CHAT!!!! WAT R U THINKING BIBTENDO.
I like the Wii but sometimes I just wonder this and the same with SMG.
Edit: Lol I accidentally put Bibtendo. Kinda fits with people saying Nintendo is kiddy. BIB- like a baby bib lol
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