The review of PC Version of the technically most advanced game on the consoles GeOW - just prooves this.
The review link is Geow-PC
From the review :-
"The PC version of Gears of War is a welcome reminder of how much better PC gaming can be, and that it can do big, stupid action way better than the consoles that took stupid to the masses. And the extra levels that won't be released on Xbox because it can't handle them? Well, that's just funny."
Thats some pretty harsh words there. Are they true ? I think yes
he likes geow, but in his opnion likes it better on the pc because of keyboard and mouse...meh i like the controller i played it with both but find the controller more immersive and easier. techincally they are the same. content wise pc verison has the unreal editor(big bonus!!!!!!!) and it has the extra parts to chapter five it is nice but not needed it only adds about half an hour...but i say if u have pc that can run it and have the 360 verison buy it anyways thanks to the unreal editor, u can still hook-up your controller to the pc and play the 360 only at a higher res, but that barely makes a diffrence if any. the pc verison at make looks like the 360 to me.
anyways, geow on pc is better then the 360 verison, heck yes, because of the unreal editor for mods and map making adding so much more to the already awsome multiplayer!
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