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Wah wah wah, cry cry cry, get a life
That about sums up this post eh?, If you said things in the past people have the right to bring it back up, you just have to defend your statement now and then, not create a thread crying about how someone apparently owned you.
I love the fact that 85% of the posters on here are such nerds that they will bother to look up past posts from people. ..i.e. my "In all honesty" post. I posted a subject because I was making a judgement at that time between 2 consoles. Yes, I flip flopped on my consoles and my opinions still hold true although I do believe that the PS3 is the overall superior console, I think it is hilarious that you people have so little to do in your life that you are on here so much that you can actually remember what other people have written. I personally come on these forums a few times daily, but not enough to recall other posts or to even have the time to bother to look them up!! Here's an idea. Instead of looking for ways to slam other forum goer's, why don't you people write something yourselves or just go play the games that you claim to own. Get a life!!!!!kungfuchaos
no u
But anyway, SW is about spreading lies, and flaming.
I love the fact that 85% of the posters on here are such nerds that they will bother to look up past posts from people. ..i.e. my "In all honesty" post. I posted a subject because I was making a judgement at that time between 2 consoles. Yes, I flip flopped on my consoles and my opinions still hold true although I do believe that the PS3 is the overall superior console, I think it is hilarious that you people have so little to do in your life that you are on here so much that you can actually remember what other people have written.I personally come on these forums a few times daily, but not enough to recall other posts or to even have the time to bother to look them up!! Here's an idea. Instead of looking for ways to slam other forum goer's, why don't you people write something yourselves or just go play the games that you claim to own. Get a life!!!!!kungfuchaos
Oh no! God forbid someone actually makes an intelligent point or actually takes the time to do things the right way rather then just throw out random maverick responses without even taking the time to evaluate what they post. Are you really calling people on a gaming forum a forum that in which you post on nerds? Sorry that people actually take time to do things now and days.
We noticed
It really takes no time or effort to use a search engine. Hence why the post he found on yours was on the first page. You realize you can use google for SW right lol?
People come for different reasons and now you're upset because there reasons are different then yours. You're upset that some people actually take the time to do things in life rather then act impulsivly. That's not really any grounds to complain for.
You greatly amuse KingBond. One does not have to get a life as one is already born with life.
[QUOTE="kungfuchaos"]I love the fact that 85% of the posters on here are such nerds that they will bother to look up past posts from people. ..i.e. my "In all honesty" post. I posted a subject because I was making a judgement at that time between 2 consoles. Yes, I flip flopped on my consoles and my opinions still hold true although I do believe that the PS3 is the overall superior console, I think it is hilarious that you people have so little to do in your life that you are on here so much that you can actually remember what other people have written.I personally come on these forums a few times daily, but not enough to recall other posts or to even have the time to bother to look them up!! Here's an idea. Instead of looking for ways to slam other forum goer's, why don't you people write something yourselves or just go play the games that you claim to own. Get a life!!!!!Blackbond
Oh no! God forbid someone actually makes an intelligent point or actually takes the time to do things the right way rather then just throw out random maverick responses without even taking the time to evaluate what they post. Are you really calling people on a gaming forum a forum that in which you post on nerds? Sorry that people actually take time to do things now and days.
We noticed
It really takes no time or effort to use a search engine. Hence why the post he found on yours was on the first page. You realize you can use google for SW right lol?
People come for different reasons and now you're upset because there reasons are different then yours. You're upset that some people actually take the time to do things in life rather then act impulsivly. That's not really any grounds to complain for.
You greatly amuse KingBond. One does not have to get a life as one is already born with life.
I have a strong desire to buy Skittles now.But well said.You got caught and made a fool of. This is SW and this stuff happens all the time. Get over it. :|kingdre
Ouch. But dead on.It wasn't even like it was an honest mistake either, I was an outright lie. Just desserts. And now for bringing it up again and adding an insult to his post, It will just make matters worse.
You're level 33 with close to 5000 posts. Enough said.BumFluff122
I am sure I'm the one he is ranting about. What is funny is I have less posts than he does, and sometimes don't come here (like I am busy with class work, and other stuff). I just have a pretty good memory on what people said, and I think his green text for his user name helped me remember.
[QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="kungfuchaos"]I love the fact that 85% of the posters on here are such nerds that they will bother to look up past posts from people. ..i.e. my "In all honesty" post. I posted a subject because I was making a judgement at that time between 2 consoles. Yes, I flip flopped on my consoles and my opinions still hold true although I do believe that the PS3 is the overall superior console, I think it is hilarious that you people have so little to do in your life that you are on here so much that you can actually remember what other people have written.I personally come on these forums a few times daily, but not enough to recall other posts or to even have the time to bother to look them up!! Here's an idea. Instead of looking for ways to slam other forum goer's, why don't you people write something yourselves or just go play the games that you claim to own. Get a life!!!!!SpruceCaboose
Oh no! God forbid someone actually makes an intelligent point or actually takes the time to do things the right way rather then just throw out random maverick responses without even taking the time to evaluate what they post. Are you really calling people on a gaming forum a forum that in which you post on nerds? Sorry that people actually take time to do things now and days.
We noticed
It really takes no time or effort to use a search engine. Hence why the post he found on yours was on the first page. You realize you can use google for SW right lol?
People come for different reasons and now you're upset because there reasons are different then yours. You're upset that some people actually take the time to do things in life rather then act impulsivly. That's not really any grounds to complain for.
You greatly amuse KingBond. One does not have to get a life as one is already born with life.
I have a strong desire to buy Skittles now.But well said.LMAO....He does have all of the flavors covered I think.Either that or Lucky Charms. They are magically delicious.[QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]I have a strong desire to buy Skittles now.Oh no! God forbid someone actually makes an intelligent point or actually takes the time to do things the right way rather then just throw out random maverick responses without even taking the time to evaluate what they post. Are you really calling people on a gaming forum a forum that in which you post on nerds? Sorry that people actually take time to do things now and days.
We noticed
It really takes no time or effort to use a search engine. Hence why the post he found on yours was on the first page. You realize you can use google for SW right lol?
People come for different reasons and now you're upset because there reasons are different then yours. You're upset that some people actually take the time to do things in life rather then act impulsivly. That's not really any grounds to complain for.
You greatly amuse KingBond. One does not have to get a life as one is already born with life.
But well said.
LMAO....He does have all of the flavors covered I think.Either that or Lucky Charms. They are magically delicious.King Bond forgot the taste the rainbow pic!:evil: lol
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