plain and simple straight forward, Should i get Medal of Honor warfighter and black Ops 2 for xbox 360 or PS3 based on:
which one has better and more competitive community
better experience overall bewteen PSN and xbox live?(I already have xbox live till Janurary,2013)
Xbox 360 or PS3 controller better for MOHWF/BO2 or FPS games in general.
most likely have the better version of the game( I dont care if xbox360 version has an extra pixel, im getting the superior version)
which one will be More "supportive" in quality(less lag) and be more stable.
so based on the above, which console will most likely give me a better experience?
oh also i have friends on both systems so yea.
I know i already posted this thread before but im Really thinking on what console to get them games for.
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