Making this thread to discuss Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, so people who bought it can share their impressions of the game and people who are curious can discuss it.
I have Uplay+ so I am lucky enough to play it a few days early. After having spent a couple hours with it, I am pleasantly surprised. Leading up to the release, there was this swell of criticism and frankly I was getting worried, but so far the game seems like a huge improvement over Wildlands...for the most part.
First, the one thing I don't like:
- Gear leveling and Looting. While I understand why they did this (to keep things fresh and new, like "ooh new gear yay!" rinse and repeat), it just feels like it doesn't belong in the game. After looting crates and getting one "mark 1" gun after another it just seems like a lot of filler.
Now, with that out of the way, let's move on to the good stuff:
- Environment and Atmosphere: simply incredible, best combination of atmosphere and environment I've seen since The Witcher 3. Wind whooshes through the tall skinny mangrove trees in the swamp biome creating a spooky environment for which to stalk my enemies. Bright sun shines down through a beautiful glade of flowers in the middle of a redwood forest where a high-tech factory sits with patrols and autonomous robots. Wildlife scurries about. It's just a really well-done open world so far.
- Visuals: pretty outstanding, I don't think anyone will be disappointed.
- The Enemies: so far, they are pretty good. I won't say it's the best AI, but it caters towards creating a really great player experience. In most games, if you down someone, they can generally find you. But in Breakpoint, you can stalk, take down one dude, lure other people in to look for you, take them out, then resume. Enemies alert eachother. It feels appropriately challenging, and not in a frustrating way. Really fun to stalk your enemies.
- Story: only an hour in, but it feels a lot better than Wildlands. In Breakpoint, it's soldier vs soldier, it feels a lot better. In Wildlands, it was soldier vs cartel sicario, which felt a little slimy and, frankly, ridiculous.
- Gameplay: feels very similar to Wildlands, which makes sense, and is not a negative. Guns feel a bit better imo. There are lots of gadgets, tools, and weapons to suit your play style.
- Skill tree: I thought I'd hate this, but they've incorporated a bit of "The Division 2" class system into the game and it works very well. Choose from medic, soldier, panther, and sniper each with a class ability and a couple passives (panther, for example, specializes with stealth and pistols/smgs).
Anyone else try it out yet? Not the beta but the actual game.
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