Anyone played the beta yet? It’s out this weekend.
Some are saying it will be plagued with micro transactions and gamble ridden loot boxes. If true avoid at all costs.
Some are saying it will be plagued with micro transactions and gamble ridden loot boxes. If true avoid at all costs.
It's not even that, it's literally not Ghost Recon, the name has been slapped to whatever current trend Ubisoft is chasing, to the point "Tom Clancy" which use to be associated with a very specific type of game means nothing.
Although it's pretty fucking obvious it has levelling up mechanics shoe-horned in to wrangle a percentage of the consumer into coughing up.
@uninspiredcup: it plays exactly like Wildlands.
You must be level 5 to throw a flash-bang.
It's actually a lot better than Wildlands so far, so that's at least something. It has the ability to move bodies around, and camo prone in mud. Plus, it has a ton of skills that you unlock, etc. Was playing on the hardest difficulty and was actually enjoying myself. It's not too arcade-like which is what happened to Wildlands. Seems like it's harder to move around the map, and there aren't just random missions placed everywhere like your typical open world game.
I'm actually impressed and may pick it up. I expected it to be as soulless as Wildlands.
It's actually a lot better than Wildlands so far, so that's at least something. It has the ability to move bodies around, and camo prone in mud. Plus, it has a ton of skills that you unlock, etc. Was playing on the hardest difficulty and was actually enjoying myself. It's not too arcade-like which is what happened to Wildlands. Seems like it's harder to move around the map, and there aren't just random missions placed everywhere like your typical open world game.
I'm actually impressed and may pick it up. I expected it to be as soulless as Wildlands.
nice, sounds good.
i haven't bothered with the beta but i'll be playing it for a review.
also, Wildlands not as bad as people in here make it out to be. solid tactical shooter if you play with friends and coordinate. it just had a extremely generic open world game structure.
It's actually a lot better than Wildlands so far, so that's at least something. It has the ability to move bodies around, and camo prone in mud. Plus, it has a ton of skills that you unlock, etc. Was playing on the hardest difficulty and was actually enjoying myself. It's not too arcade-like which is what happened to Wildlands. Seems like it's harder to move around the map, and there aren't just random missions placed everywhere like your typical open world game.
I'm actually impressed and may pick it up. I expected it to be as soulless as Wildlands.
nice, sounds good.
i haven't bothered with the beta but i'll be playing it for a review.
also, Wildlands not as bad as people in here make it out to be. solid tactical shooter if you play with friends and coordinate. it just had a extremely generic open world game structure.
I agree, Wildlands is pretty fun with friends. Gotta say, I found myself bored as hell playing by myself, though. Lol
It's actually a lot better than Wildlands so far, so that's at least something. It has the ability to move bodies around, and camo prone in mud. Plus, it has a ton of skills that you unlock, etc. Was playing on the hardest difficulty and was actually enjoying myself. It's not too arcade-like which is what happened to Wildlands. Seems like it's harder to move around the map, and there aren't just random missions placed everywhere like your typical open world game.
I'm actually impressed and may pick it up. I expected it to be as soulless as Wildlands.
nice, sounds good.
i haven't bothered with the beta but i'll be playing it for a review.
also, Wildlands not as bad as people in here make it out to be. solid tactical shooter if you play with friends and coordinate. it just had a extremely generic open world game structure.
I agree, Wildlands is pretty fun with friends. Gotta say, I found myself bored as hell playing by myself, though. Lol
yea you can just get the AI to coordinate shots, very easy and not very fun
were you playing Breakpoint solo or with friends?
I'm giving Uplay+ a try right now, so I will be playing Breakpoint in two days. I get access to the Ultimate edition as well which I think includes season pass and extra DLC. That alone costs like 100+ dollars, so if I keep the sub for 4 months I'm still getting a deal (assuming I like the game haha).
Off-topic: I am enjoying these game subscription services; even if I subscribed to three of them, that is still less than the cost of a new game per month, and I get access to a.) new games and b.) a back catalogue.
Just finished playing a great game of Settlers 4 (which came out like 18 years ago), now I'm moving on to Silent Hunter V (one of the better and few sub sims out there).
@uninspiredcup: it plays exactly like Wildlands. And what I mean is that it plays exactly like a last gen game
I don't understand this statement. I was under the impression hardware, not games, are the only thing that is strictly generational.
Also GR Wildlands was released in 2017, so it would be current-gen...if you could assign generations to games.
It's actually a lot better than Wildlands so far, so that's at least something. It has the ability to move bodies around, and camo prone in mud. Plus, it has a ton of skills that you unlock, etc. Was playing on the hardest difficulty and was actually enjoying myself. It's not too arcade-like which is what happened to Wildlands. Seems like it's harder to move around the map, and there aren't just random missions placed everywhere like your typical open world game.
I'm actually impressed and may pick it up. I expected it to be as soulless as Wildlands.
Yeah I haven't played the beta but I was reading up on it, sounds really great. Lots of changes and additions, and it sounds like for the better.
Ubisoft hasn't really let me down for a long time, so I am still on board with their games. They've done a couple bad or mediocre things but that's it. 2018 and 2019 have definitely been Ubisoft-heavy years for me.
@uninspiredcup: it plays exactly like Wildlands. And what I mean is that it plays exactly like a last gen game
I disagree it plays exactly like Wildlands. Although it is similar, it is even worse... you can't even turn off the blur... it's built into the game like an out of focus camera... add that to the screen shake, horrible momentum based physics that leave you feeling unattached to your character and make you take an extra 3-7 steps after you stop or an extra 2-3 after you strafe, horrible close range firefights (even worse than Wildlands.. although they said they made it better.. lol). If they don't HEAVILY patch this game the online will be dead within a couple months. Sad really, because the game has a lot of potential.. they just need to fire the animation and movement team and hire people that know what makes a game fun and not just "cinematic." They are so damn out of touch they hired Lil Wayne to promote their product... lmao. Nothing screams tactical gameplay like Lil Wayne.. I mean #amiright?___________________
I guess for those looking for a decent campaign or co-op only might not be too upset, but if you are thinking about getting the game for it's multiplayer online... just do yourself a favor and save your money.
It's obvious multiplayer is definitely an afterthought.
I saw this from Wikipedia
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Online Tactical shooter video game
I always wonder why is it called a tactical shooter when it has loot tiers and AI levels...
Wildlands is like a 7/10 for me. There is a lot of good stuff, but a bunch of flaws.
I can’t stand the micro-leveling up everything. I don’t feel like the game gets any easier when I make my teammates shoot 8% better LMAO
I don’t feel any sense of progress. I can spend hours collecting upgrades and beating missions and leveling up but my team or character feels like they did at the start of the game.
Some of the missions are incredibly stupid which require you to do very specific things. I can’t beat a mission that requires me flying a stupid drone into a library or something.
Then another insanely hard mission is protecting some dude giving a speech while being swarmed in all directions with essentially no cover.
Not even the lame...I don’t know what to call em “powers” help at all. I can summon a bunch of random friendlies to help but they suck.
I am giving up the game. There is other annoying missions I don’t want to bother typing out.
I won’t get breakpoint unless it’s on sale for like $15.
@uninspiredcup: it plays exactly like Wildlands.
You must be level 5 to throw a flash-bang.
Yeah it's very immersion-breaking to play as this super-duper elite special operations soldier only to find out you need to gain xp to unlock the ability to do the most basic of special operations soldier tasks (like a flash bang, or shoot accurately, and so forth).
I just realized today is the 6th anniversary of Tom Clancy's death.
Can Ubisoft just let the man rest in peace? Pretty sure if he was alive and see this game, he'll be like "peace, i'm out."
It's also chockablock with MTX.
High priced MTX, items you cannot earn in-game. Oh and online-only.
I'll skip this one, thank you.
I just realized today is the 6th anniversary of Tom Clancy's death.
Can Ubisoft just let the man rest in peace? Pretty sure if he was alive and see this game, he'll be like "peace, i'm out."
Or just take his name off these piles of dogshit they are putting out now which are the complete opposite of the originals that were around when he still was.
I just realized today is the 6th anniversary of Tom Clancy's death.
Can Ubisoft just let the man rest in peace? Pretty sure if he was alive and see this game, he'll be like "peace, i'm out."
Or just take his name off these piles of dogshit they are putting out now which are the complete opposite of the originals that were around when he still was.
Nah Ubisoft gonna milk that franchise dry just like how Activision milked Guitar Hero
I just realized today is the 6th anniversary of Tom Clancy's death.
Can Ubisoft just let the man rest in peace? Pretty sure if he was alive and see this game, he'll be like "peace, i'm out."
Pretty sure Tom Clancy sold them his name for millions of dollars, so he probably lived very well and now he is dead and Ubisoft can use his name as they see fit. If he were alive, he'd probably be like "Yay capitalism" and then go spend his millions.
Besides, like with most famous authors, the name is part of a franchise and IP, not so much the name of the author. Clancy wasn't even really writing his own books in the latter years, just lent his name to the novel and let an author use the characters he created.
I joined the free trial of Uplay+ on Sept. 30th just to try this game on release, and not only did they charge me for Uplay+ on Oct. 1st, but they charged me multiple times. I had to put in a ticket and asked for a full refund of everything. F***ing wankers.
I joined the free trial of Uplay+ on Sept. 30th just to try this game on release, and not only did they charge me for Uplay+ on Oct. 1st, but they charged me multiple times. I had to put in a ticket and asked for a full refund of everything. F***ing wankers.
I looked at this option on a friends behalf and noticed it said something about the trial only running until Sept 30th so getting charged once might be valid
getting charged multiple times is definitely BS though
I joined the free trial of Uplay+ on Sept. 30th just to try this game on release, and not only did they charge me for Uplay+ on Oct. 1st, but they charged me multiple times. I had to put in a ticket and asked for a full refund of everything. F***ing wankers.
I looked at this option on a friends behalf and noticed it said something about the trial only running until Sept 30th so getting charged once might be valid
getting charged multiple times is definitely BS though
So, I think you're right. It may have ended on Oct. 1st, which isn't a huge deal. I talked to them, and they said that extra charge is an authorization hold, which is completely bullshit. It's basically holding 16 of my dollars hostage for 7 days. Anyway, I told them if that charge drops off, then it's fine, but what bollocks.
Yay....another online only looter shooter riddled with micro transactions. How original and unique. I wouldn’t install this game if it was given to me for free.
I'm playing the game right now, and I think people are over reacting about the micro transactions. Yes they are there and there are too many of them, but I'm level 31 in the game and have put quite a bit of time in and I've never felt pressured or felt like the micro transactions have been put in my face annoyingly. In fact I don't even know how to spend real money on them.
I felt like the game gives you in game currency at a good rate to buy new guns and apparel, and I'm leveling up and finding skill points at a decent rate as well. I don't feel like i'm being held back.
HOWEVER the game has some flaws.
1. The social hub feels straight out of Destiny and is a vast departure from Wildlands. It doesn't feel needed either as you can access PVP and COOP through the menus.
2. The game has to be always online. This is my biggest gripe with the game. Wildlands could be played offline solo, so I feel like there's no point in why this has be connected to the internet to play.
3. No AI team mates. Once again Wildlands has this, and it made playing solo a little easier as you could do sync shots. There's a drone sync shot option but it's a consumable and you're limited to it's use. I hear rumors that AI squad mates will be added, so maybe this will get fixed.
4. The enemy AI is dumb, and the robots are basically bullet sponges. I'm playing on normal so maybe the more advanced difficulty will fix this, but IDK.
5. There's glitches. Guns disappear from my hands, my co op team mates ride outside of their vehicles, etc. Nothing game breaking but they are there.
I'm enjoying the game as it's basically wildlands when playing with a friend. I'd give it a soft 7 out of 10.
Things aren't looking up for Breakpoint critically.
Currently a 57/100
@mrbojangles25: I can't even remember the last time I felt disappointed by Ubisoft. They have delivered a steady stream of interesting games. No, I don't like their micro transactions, but as long as they are optional and not mandatory to complete a game, I can live with them.
Who cares about these bullshit fake Ghost Recon games anyway.
The original and Heroes Unleashed is all you want from that series.
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