Hmm... completely expected. But really... who exactly cares about GiantBomb?
why wouldn't you care about GB their just as valid as any other site. -Giving GTA BOGT a 3/5 (What?)-Not reviewing certain games because they don't like them (Really Unprofessional)
-Having...interesting choices for GOTY on individual Platforms (Nuts & Bolts & Shadow Complex come to mind).
Part of their goal for the site was to have an editable game database, a good game community with good forums and a couple reviews.They said from the get go that they would only review what most people would like to see and a couple that they find interesting. They also mentioned that there are games that don't appeal to them AT ALL like madden, FIFA, etc. Whats the point in reviewing a game if you know you're going to be biased from the get go?
Also for GTA4 BOGT 3/5... read the review. He said that IN HIS OPINION it didn't have the same charm as the first DLC had.They emphasize that these reviews are opinions of theirs. TBH I appreciate the personal tone of their reviews.
Their review system is designed to be simple and for you to READ the review instead of just looking at the score. 1/5 = reaaaally bad, 2/5 = bearable, 3/5 = decent, 4/5 = good game and 5/5 = excellent game. thats all you should take from the point score.
What if they gave GOTY to shadow complex or nuts and bolts? For one, it's their opinion, for 2, they wouldn't give it to some game just for the sake of bothering fans of a console. Read what they had to say about the game and hy they chose those games over forza 3 or Gears 2
And as for unprofessionalism, I would rather hear what they have to say about he game than a great majority of sites. That says something about professionalism.
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