So we knew a new God of War title is on the way from Cory Barlog (God of War 2 director), but this gives some hints as to what it will be about.
Gorgon and Hydra suggests that the setting will be in Greece again. It's also worth noting that the title is only GOD OF WAR.
We're probably looking at a full reboot in the vein of Tomb Raider 2013 (also directed by Cory coincidentally). What I think it is:
- Complete reboot of the gameplay, possibly giving it metroidvania elements
- Set in Greece once again
- Retells the story of Kratos from the beginning with changes to the story since Cory is now writing it
I was expecting a reboot but I was hoping for a different setting, Egypt would be cool. It would be a wasted opportunity since the name God of War could be applied to any mythology that has a god of war.
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