"Xbox One will enable new forms of access for families. Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One. Just like today, a family member can play your copy of Forza Motorsport at a friends house. Only now, they will see not just Forza, but all of your shared games. You can always play your games, and any one of your family members can be playing from your shared library at a given time."
Well heck son, if that's the case then this console just got splendid. I can make 10 of my friends in my "family and if one buys Halo 5 we can ALL play it? That's **** awesome! I don't give a damn about the once a day internet connection because I have great internet, this overrides that. What an awesome business plan!
Inb4 cow/sheep/hermit race alliance calls me a fanboy. (iv'e never owned an Xbox)
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