It's a good thing that mature games still exist in today's casual and streamlined times.
For example Zelda Skyward Sword.
This game does not rely on any cinematic QTE nonsense, does not have childish "realistic" graphics, does not try to reinvent itself in a senseless way and does not overact with the amount of content but still manges to deliver a brilliant gameplay experience, outstandingly stylish visuals, great level design, lots of content, polish and almost revolutionary new way of control.
In many ways, Zelda SS is the antithesis to today's shallow "cinematic" games that bet everything on realistic graphics and simplistic design merged with dull gameplay.
So it's a good thing non-conforming companies like Nintendo still exist and give us what really matters - excellent games that don't need any gimmicks like "realistic graphics" or "cinematic experience" in order to sell.
Of course such approach is not appreciated by the masses of today's gamers but it takes a exquisite taste in order to appreciate good game design above everything else :P
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