graphics do not make a game.
The CAN break a game, however they cannot make a game.
Games on the Wii are often slated as rubbish based only on what it looks like, however depsite not having photo realism I wouldnt say ssx blur, mario strikers (and dare i say it) super mario galaxy look bad (eye bleeding im refering to). They do not Look anywhere near as good as ps3 and xbox 360, but just because of this fact a lot of people render them as crap and pathetic??
To argue my point I want to bring up the Super Nes and specifically Ogre battle. Ogre battle overworld map was done in a god aweful mode 7 engine. It made anyones eyes bleed. but get past that, and you wont find a more indepth tatical rpg rts.
The wiis graphical limitations at the moment are being portrayed by the likes of EA, with harry potter 5 looking like a ps1 game no joke. In this case i agree with everyone thats says the graphcis broke the game, they are so bad it renders it horrific. However this is not Nintendos fault.
I peronally believe the jump to 'nextgen' graphics by ps3 and 360 was premature, as well as the graphics cards being made by nvidia. My reasoning? is the price... every console thats come out (with inflation taken into account) has been approxamatly 400 dollars (im talking AU, so im thinking 250-300 American). But sony and 360 console completely blow this with ps3 jumping to 1000 dollars for a console. not only this, but games now cost 20 dollars more then they used to, coming in at 120 dollars a game.
basically i think it was too early, im all for graphical improvement, but i think the jump to 1080p HD is a gen too fast, and that they should have let the technology age a bit so they could bring the consoles out at a resonable price. If the ps3 is 1000AU, what is the price for the ps4? 1200? with 130 dollar games? where does it stop?
To wrap up my rant which dribbles everywhere, I think the wii shouldnt be bashed for the crap lookign games, basht eh developers. Done right the graphics can be as eye pleasing as any. To say all wii games look complete rubbish is just dumb, when examples of mario Strikers, SMG and SSBB are around, because whilst they arnt in HD they arnt Eye bleeding like EA's HP5.
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