Ok- dont get me wrong- I personally think that Nintendo have done a very brave thing with the Wii & so far its paid off. the Wiimote certainly adds a new dimension to its games- but graphically the console isnt a leap beyond the original Xbox which is 6 years old.
Now the reason why people buy next-gen machines is because the technology inside them is more advanced which allows for mainly better graphics but also AI & audio. But like i said the main talking point is about the graphics- the machine with the best graphics doesnt always- win- the machine thats affordable, released on time & has a good lineup of games usually comes out tops & the PS1 & PS2 show this.
The reason why i bought my Xbox360 was because i knew that it has better graphics than my old Xbox- sure i thought my Xbox was great & i loved playing on it for hours & hours- but if i look back now at those games- they are just not as appealing anymore- YES ive played them a lot- but if u just look at the graphics on them its surprising how dated they look.
Improving the graphics is all about immersion - you want the game to feel more 'real'- the AI & audio also help too- but thats the fundemental reason why people want better & better graphics- imagine having a top end PC & playing Half-life2 with the settings turned all the way down- its not nearly as much fun is it?
Yes the Wii-mote is a lot of fun- but if u ask me after time you do get used to it & i personally see nothing wrong with playing on a keyboard & mouse or gamepad. no matter how cool the bowling on the Wii is- its never going to be the same as real bowling- close- but not close enough.
Remember video games arent real-life & while we would like the games to look more & more real- having the games actually play more 'real' is a mixed-blessing & not wanted by everyone.
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