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seriously looking at crysis now,
all next gen consoles will have photo realistic gfx
then controller will be the most important part
it was through no shortage of money that nintendo made the console overly underpowered, think of all the money they make off of handheld sales and first party games.
and I think it will be more comparable to the next gen sony/microsoft platforms simply because technology won't advance quite as much.
yes, visuals will certainly get much better, but slowly I think the gap between good and bad graphics will narrow.
Depends. If it costs the consumer $600 then absolutely not. Nintendo has always been about keeping the price low. They did it with every single one of their consoles. They probably opted out of the graphics arms race this gen because it would have costed so much.
But yes, if it takes a sizeable investment from nintendo and a graphically impressive console at low cost comes out, then they would absolutely do it. That's my feeling anyway
I think we all know Nintendo went down the innovative path because they simply could not compete with the technology Sony and Microsoft was bringing. Good for them, their system is selling great now, but in the end it is just a Xbox on steroids. My question is, do you think Nintendo will release a proper console next gen thanks to all the money made off of the Wii? One with graphics that aren't slightly better then the previous gen? I can imagine a new, proper Nintendo System. Blu-ray built in, graphics that rival Sony's Playstation 4, and a new innovative controller that doesnt scream for the casual gamer's attention. I'd buy that thing at launchDarthaPerkinjan
well tey have said they would do that but thats also back before they were back on top however as far as blue-ray goes im just not sure anyone would want to develop on that so probably not maybe a moreaccessable console closer to the 360 alsoby then Nintendo hopes to find a way to develop this stuff and still be profitable
it comes down to this imho.
nintendos new strategy is to keep the console cost low and make it simple to use and make a small profit on it. they want as many ppl playing from day one and a high price will not help. this is there business strategy and, because its working a treat so far, they will stick to it.
for nintys next not expecting such a radical change in the controller. this does leave more resources available to improve horsepower. however the question is...can they make a PS4 level machine and keep it under $250 with a game in the box while still turning a small profit on the machine. if they can then they will (and who knows....if they leave out pointless crap then they might pull it off). nintendo will not use sonys business model of selling the hardware at a loss though.....they have sold there hardware at a profit since the nes and they will continue to do so.
heres what im expecting from ninty next gen though. $250 console. no movie playback at all (forget blu-ray....ninty wont pay the royalties to sony and nintendo arent a multimedia company). horsepower that clearly beats the PS3 but wouldnt stand to well against the PS4 (assuming sony continue along there horsepower path), much bigger built in flash memory (were talking many GBs) or possibly a HDD. full compatibility with all nintendo consoles including the wii. greatly enhanced channels over the wii versions. a more refined wiimote and nunchuck (perhaps a scroll wheel somewhere....improved motion sensors....couple of more buttons though not too many more as that could put some ppl off. finally an improved online service (though chances are they wont remove friend codes) that remains completly free (at least for nintendo made games).
nintendo wont compete on sonys turf ever again. they tried twice. twice they offered better hardware (and with the GC the superior hardware was even cheaper then sonys). twice they lost completly. nintendo have to stick at what they do best...making cracking games on hardware that plays to their strengths. they cant beat the huge budgets and resources MS and sony put into their consoles.
finally TC, the wii is a proper console.
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