Which games do you think supply the greatest fan service? Don't get me wrong, the game may not have been critically acclaimed but maybe it catered specifically to the fans, and they loved it. For instance, what I'm hearing about the new AvP is that it sticks to the old formula, which a lot of fans appreciate. Evidently, a lot of reviewers don't like the fact that it hasn't taken some of the "innovations" brought forth by newer games like Modern Warfare's rank system with unlockable perks/gear, but all my friends who have it, say they like it more for sticking to it's roots.
So anyway, my choice goes to MGS4. That game has got to be the greatest fan service...ever. I mean everything about this game just brings back Nostalgia. A certain locale you go to later in the game just brought tears in my eyes seeing how beautiful the place had aged. The return of all the series characters in glorious HD visuals was also quite the touch, and the little references to past games. This is by far the greatest fan service IMO.
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