Ps4 by a country mile. There is literally nothing i want to play on xbox atm and even if i want to, ill get the superior version on PC
I'm an xbox fan but a gamer first and foremost....I don't think its close, Sony kills it with exclusives and I hope MS steps up their game in that department.
I prefer the exclusives on Xbox like Cuphead and PUBG and the upcoming State of Decay 2. The exclusives on PS4 are mostly JRPGs and movie-games and I don't like either of those types of games.
I prefer the exclusives on Xbox like Cuphead and PUBG and the upcoming State of Decay 2. The exclusives on PS4 are mostly JRPGs and movie-games and I don't like either of those types of games.
What multiplat game isn't a movie? I mean, Xbox has them all, you must barely play on it.
C'mon, is this really a serious question?
Anybody in the know, knows it's Mighty X1X by a light-years or three. :P
Ms clearly stated that their games are going to be on the PC making the Xbox free of MS exclusives. Why is this a comparison outside of fanboy drivel?
^ this.
That's like asking "Who has the better 4k BluRay player, the Xone X or the Ps4 Pro?" ... oh the Ps4 Pro doesn't have one, xOneX wins. Disc king confirmed
Depends if shooting games are your thing. Halo and gears are the best in the genre PS4 has the best single player exclusives.
There's a few standout titles on Xbox One- Ori, Cuphead, Dead Rising, Halo, Forza, Gears, Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay. Yes most of these games can be played elsewhere- but not on PS4.
That said PS4 wins by a longshot, especially in the quality department. But I will do the same thing I did with PS3. I waited until I could get a used system with 2 controllers and few games for under $100. Then I picked up all the games I cared about at cheap prices- Uncharted trilogy, Last of Us, Demon's Souls, Journey, Ico+Shadow of the Colossus, Final Fantasy X Remaster.
In a few years I will do the same thing and buy somebody's used PS4 launch model or slim, and pick up Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, the Last Guardian, Spiderman, Last of Us 2, Horizon, etc.
I prefer the exclusives on Xbox like Cuphead and PUBG and the upcoming State of Decay 2. The exclusives on PS4 are mostly JRPGs and movie-games and I don't like either of those types of games.
What multiplat game isn't a movie? I mean, Xbox has them all, you must barely play on it.
He seems to simply prefer indy titles and broken games to play on his xbox. Games that you could simply run on a 7 year old
I prefer the exclusives on Xbox like Cuphead and PUBG and the upcoming State of Decay 2. The exclusives on PS4 are mostly JRPGs and movie-games and I don't like either of those types of games.
What multiplat game isn't a movie? I mean, Xbox has them all, you must barely play on it.
Why are you bringing up multiplats when this thread is about exclusives? I don't like the multiplat movie-games either and that's one of the big reasons that I don't really care for most of the modern AAA gaming scene, but that's another topic that is unrelated to this. This thread is about which exclusives you prefer and I listed a few examples of Microsoft exclusives that I prefer over Sony's exclusives. As far how much I play on it, I definitely play on my Xbox One more than I play on my PS4 that's for sure. I play on my Nintendo Switch more than both of them.
That video was so bad , lol. Gamespot is ridiculous.
For real. Shouldn't even be necessary since everyone knows the PS4 destroys the Xbone in exclusives, just look at the comments on here and youtube.
The only genres they even talked about were shooters and racing games, I wonder why. And the guy for Playstation bringing up COD...
Feels like the person defending Xbox drew the short end of the stick and had to pretend to like the exclusives for the sake of the video.
I prefer the exclusives on Xbox like Cuphead and PUBG and the upcoming State of Decay 2. The exclusives on PS4 are mostly JRPGs and movie-games and I don't like either of those types of games.
What multiplat game isn't a movie? I mean, Xbox has them all, you must barely play on it.
He seems to simply prefer indy titles and broken games to play on his xbox. Games that you could simply run on a 7 year old
I do generally prefer indie games over movie-games. I don't care if you can run those games on a 7 year old PC; gameplay is far more important than graphics or cinematics, and I'll take a fun game with actual fun gameplay over a crappy movie-game that barely qualifies as a game any day. As far broken games, that's a problem with modern gaming in general and affects all platforms.
Gaming websites are comparably soft on MS compared to how hard they were on Sony and the PS3, which ended up outperforming the 360 anyway. Gametrailers (thank goodness this fanboy website shut down) placed PS3 on their "worst consoles of all time" list, which is hilariously wrong and misguided looking back. Gamespot writers and other writers joined them as well.
Now, websites which focus on other things than gaming are bringing a more realistic perspective when comparing ps4 to xbox.
PS4 easily. Bloodborne, Uncharted 4/Lost Legacy, God of War, Yakuza series, Nier Automata, Nioh, Horizon, Last Guardian, Shadow of the Colossus. Plus games still on the way including Spider-Man, TLOU 2, Ghosts of Tsushima, Death Stranding, Days Gone, Shenmue 3, FF7 Remake, Wild.
Sony clearly wins. They have obviously invested heavily in new IP and it has paid off for them. There fanbase loves the games they are putting out and that is what matters the most.
MS on the other hand seem to be focused on giving the best 3rd party console experience where games like RDR2 will clearly be superior on the X1X.
Either way I'm looking forward to E3!
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