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-Banjo-Kazooie (N64)
-Vagrant Story (PlayStation)
-Bushido Blade (PlayStation)
-Eternal Darkness (GameCube)
-Valkyrie Profile (PlayStation/PSP)
-Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (PlayStation/PC/Dreamcast)
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-Banjo-Kazooie (N64)
-Vagrant Story (PlayStation)
-Bushido Blade (PlayStation)
-Eternal Darkness (GameCube)
-Valkyrie Profile (PlayStation/PSP)
-Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (PlayStation/PC/Dreamcast)
I'm with them on Banjo Kazooie, I loved the original and Tooie. If they actually bring it back then I really hope that they don't make the game like Nuts & Bolts. That game was so disappointing, I didn't even finish the entire game either.
Some great games listed there, but I think more people would rather see a new sequel rather than a remaster of what they've already played. Though, I would definitely get any of those as I haven't played any of them sadly (basing their greatness off what I've heard and seen :P).
nah... none of those TC mention I would care for.
MSG1-4 (included Peace Walker) should be re-made with the new FOX engine.
Bushido Blade (PlayStation) YES YES YES GOD YES! I really like bushido blade and im still pissed SE released on jpn psn and no where els. I really would like another game like this. You dont need to know combos or anything like that. Its all about knowing when to strike for what could be the 1 hit killing blow. Me and my friend spent hours on part 2 and it made for some real intense fights espcially when one of us had use of one arm but the threat of you can mess up and still get killed.
I don't want remasters of those games, I either want reboots or sequels.
From these in particular:
All of them IP's owned by Square-Enix. -____-
Look at this character design from Valkyrie Profile 2. Super hot in every sense of the word. I wish games from Japan weren't as generic as they have become in recent years and were more like this.
SMT Nocturne is the only game I want remastered. That game's art direction hasn't aged badly so HD edition actually will be awesome.
Oh dear... then I'd have to play through it again three times.
My most wanted game that hasn't been announced is an HD remaster of the international version of Final Fantasy XII. PLEASE SQUARE
I wish Sega would remaster all of their OG Xbox gems, esp. Panzer Dragoon Orta and JSRF.
No ones gonna remaster PS1 games, they'll look like total shit in HD.
Gamespot confused remake with remaster. Remaster being a port (also, the xbla version of BK is a great one), remake having totally new assets which they want.
Eternal Darkness might be getting a new game so I'd consider that better.
Or that's just Nintendo defending their trademark to hell and back.
The Legacy Of Kain popped up on steam a few months did. Didn't even bother adding 360 pad support.
Lazy pricks.
What if... Naughty Dog found a way to make TLOU:R look better and FEEL better? What if I told you... with 2x the remastered... enemies will no longer be retarded? Ellie would get shot, killed, and raped... not necessarily in that order. Would you considered buying the GOAT a 3rd time guys?
"The Last of Us Remastered Remastered Edition"
Muh dick, I get hard just thinking about it...
Banjo Kazooie would make the Xbox One very, very tempting for me. If Microsoft were to do that and bring back Perfect Dark, I would cave and get the system. I don't necessarily need remasters of either franchise. New entries are just fine.
Or, you know, new games would be nice too
remasters take nothing away from new games
Other than my money? No, probably not. But I'd rather have devs compel me to buy new games rather than repurchase someone else's past work.
Or, you know, new games would be nice too
remasters take nothing away from new games
Yeah, it's just a way of corporations making money off their fans with minimum efforts. Totally harmless.
You're talking about harm? haha who has a gun to your head?
Also, there is a difference between tomb raider, gta or last of us and a bundle of different games for $40. I do not buy the former either (nor the originals because they're crap), but some games SHOULD get remasters, I can think of plenty.
Or, you know, new games would be nice too
remasters take nothing away from new games
Yeah, it's just a way of corporations making money off their fans with minimum efforts. Totally harmless.
You're talking about harm? haha who has a gun to your head?
Also, there is a difference between tomb raider, gta or last of us and a bundle of different games for $40. I do not buy the former either (nor the originals because they're crap), but some games SHOULD get remasters, I can think of plenty.
Also, these so called HD collections wouldn't exist if b/c was still a thing. And a lot of them are actually half-assed port jobs anyway.
Or, you know, new games would be nice too
remasters take nothing away from new games
Other than my money? No, probably not. But I'd rather have devs compel me to buy new games rather than repurchase someone else's past work.
Self control is hard
Further proves GS has shit taste in games (except the Legacy of Kain remaster)
Kotor 1, Kotor 2, RE2, FF9, FF12, Warcraft 3 and System Shock 2 remasters would be AMAAAAZING. I'd trade Charizards mod status for any of those games to get a remaster.
Final Fantasy Tactics (REMASTERED)
for PS4/XB1/PC none should miss it
remastered the sprites in full HD
overhaul the soundtrack full orchaestra
speed up the loading times by over 1000%
adding a new state of the art class
adding two brand new CGI cut scene intro and ending
Developed By Square-Enix
Published By Square-Enix
totally inhouse
Or, you know, new games would be nice too
remasters take nothing away from new games
Yeah, it's just a way of corporations making money off their fans with minimum efforts. Totally harmless.
You're talking about harm? haha who has a gun to your head?
Also, there is a difference between tomb raider, gta or last of us and a bundle of different games for $40. I do not buy the former either (nor the originals because they're crap), but some games SHOULD get remasters, I can think of plenty.
Also, these so called HD collections wouldn't exist if b/c was still a thing. And a lot of them are actually half-assed port jobs anyway.
Who's forcing you to buy? Where is the harm? lol
But a lot of them aren't. Be an informed customer.
Besides, even with bc, some games can use framerate improvements, widescreen and some 6th gen games have art and detail that crt's and 480i/p do injustice to.
If people would pay for BC, sony and MS would do it. Most people (not us on game forums) don't really care sadly.
Don't know if these games would look good with a remastered version... I think a remake would be better :
Legacy of Kain
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy IX
Ninja Gaiden Black
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