Okay, I have been playing GTAIV since I got it the day it came out, but I'm having trouble liking it better than San Andreas.
San Andreas had a huge, open world...a state, with rural areas between the 3 unique cities. GTAIV is just one city that doesn't faithfully represent the real life NYC. This bothers me, especially as someone who lived in NYC. Why do the subway trains only have 2-3 cars on them? Why is the empire state building near downtown? Sorry, but for those of you who think the game is a good representation of NYC, you are mistaken. The real NYC is WAY, WAY bigger than what you see in the game, and FAR more populated and busy.
Also, the controls seems to be WORSE than those in SA. Why the hell does Niko walk so damn slow? CJ walked faster than he does. You can't fly a plane, and the game isn't as long as SA was. Plus, the whole black ghetto theme of SA was more entertaining than controlling a white russian dude.
Sorry, but this game didn't deserve it's 10. Most overrated game EVER. I'd give it about a 9.5 though.
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