[QUOTE="Art_424"][QUOTE="shazanarkand"][QUOTE="Art_424"][QUOTE="Tiefster"][QUOTE="Kaosed"] [QUOTE="Ncsoftlover"]Think this way, people use pcs to view Gamespot.Basic_Instinct
yea since we all know every1 owns a $2000 pc
It doesn't cost run $2000 to run Crysis. I'm building a rig and its going to cost me a bit (looking at $1600 right now) but there are hundreds of retail computers around $500 that can probably run it on medium or low settings.
you forgot, the operating system, that's easily $199+ depending on the OS, linux doesntsupport thesegames. besides who wants to spend $500 to play Crysis on low settings?...lol, Pc gaming is too expensive.
But then again you have to pay anywhere from 2k to 4k on a nice 720p or 1080p tv to get the most out of your consoles. Playing on standard def for consoles could be compared to low settings for crysis; crysis is a game made to look pretty, its 40% of the game itself. So really, its a trade off and in the end they about equal out.
The only thing consoles have over pc's is its almost a fullguarantee that console games will be stable on consoles. There is always that chance that this game you buy might not be as stable as you would like on your pc.
Your comparison is ridiculous. I have a 32" Flat screen and I happen to enjoy it for gaming, HDTV is not needed so i can play games on my console, I've seen the diffrence between HD and regular def, and it's not a huge deal. On the otherhand, My PC wont run crysis if I have a 16 or32 MB card and the framerates are killing it, how can you enjoy a game like that?. With consolesIdont have to see if my computer meets the minimum requirements, cause I know it been optimized for it.
I guess that is your prerogative to play consoles. Personally, I do not like settling for second best. I am a true hardcore gamer, so to me, it is worth spending the little extra money to be able to be part of the elite gamers. Also, My whole computer cost me $800, and that is including a monitor and OS, and my rig can easily play Crysis on medium-medhigh.
Good, I dont think anyoneshould tell you what to game on, I'm just saying that hermits have a hard time admiting that you need to spend more money than a console (PS3 at $600) to run their high end games at a "decent" setting. You basically get what you pay for, hermits get the best graphics, but they also pay the most.
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