I loved Fallout 3. On my first attempt, I accidentally managed to piss off all of Megaton, and it auto saved with the whole town trying to kill me. Apparently I could've put my gun away, and possibly de-aggroed them, but I didn't know. I was four hours in and had to start over. But after that, I never had another problem, and only had fun.
I've started Vegas, but can't seem to get into it. Which sucks, because everyone says it's the best.
4 was a huge letdown for me. Still had some cool moments, but it's too populated with people, and the mechanics seem to be baby-fied. In 3, you could at least attempt locks/terminals that were out of your skill range. But if you failed, you would be locked out until you leveled that skill high enough. With 4 you can just keep trying until you get it. It takes the fear of failure away. It's been years, so maybe I'm mixing the memories up, but I also didn't like seeing blue skies in the game. The dichotomy of oppression, between the bleak landscape and the joyous 40's music is exactly what I loved. But in this one, it became less bleak, and the music is mostly the same stuff as before. I know all music isn't localized do different parts of the country. But surely they could've found new old songs for the soundtrack. The crafting was also completely superfluous to me. I found better weapons than I could craft, and the bases were basically just junk storage. That game seemed to kill my immersion at every step. Not a horrible game, but definitely a letdown.
I never attempted 76 because of how awful it launched. After 4 and this, I've lost a massive amount of confidence in them.
But I had fun with Fallout Shelter. Pretty much the only mobile game I've ever played. But playing it with a controller on PlayStation was way better than on the phone.
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