Well, I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing a lot of this kind of thread for the next week or so. Just from a personal standpoint, I think GS is a little off the mark here. After all, Zelda got the exact same score on GS while so many other magazines and websites gave it GOTY. I expected the game would eke out AAA, fetching about a 9.1, and it is kind of a drag to see its score brought down by its audio. However sheep, try not to get all bent out of shape when the cows/lemmings come to rub SPM's mere AA status in our faces. We did do the same thing with Motorstorm.
Now, I've also noticed that GS seems to tilt a little towards MS in terms of reviews. Often times, big exclusive Xbox 360 games will score a little ahead of the "they say" score, check it out. Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo, Gears of War, Lost Planet, Table Tennis, and I'm sure a few others get graded slightly ahead of the average. This isn't true in all cases, like with Crackdown and Viva Pinata where the inverse is true, but it shows GS is consistant with the rest of the industry on most 360 games. The PS3 and Wii? Not so much. Resistance, Motorstorm, Virtua Fighter 5, Formula One, and Full Auto 2 all scored below the "they say" average. The Wii takes a little less of a pummeling than the PS3, but key launch games like Zelda, ExciteTruck, and Red steel all came in way below the standard. However, GS does make up for this with Sonic and Wii sports, which came up ahead.
I'm not claiming bias here, but it does seem that for the most part, GS is a bit harder on Sony and Nintendo than they are on Microsoft.
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