rate these for me 1-3. #1 being the best.
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rate these for me 1-3. #1 being the best.
hm thats hard.
Half-life 2 = amazing singleplayer + mod's
Halo 3 = Great Single player (if the gameplay blends well with the story like Halo 1) + awesome online
Killzone 2 = This ones tough to call, the series hasnt proven itself yet but I think it has a lot of potential for both single and multiplayer.
Really tough call between HL2 and Halo 3 since both have great features.
1. Halo 3 - It has a lot of potential to be one of the best console shooters this gen if they deliver on what they have just now started to show. This game has a lot to deliver on and I think Bungie has a chance on doing it, but I am a little skeptical since we havent seen much but the recent info has sparked some hope.
2. Half-life 2 - Was a great experience and the mod's for the game are some of the best, defiantly top of its game on PC. Id like to see a HL3 with a new game engine that surpass all others. If HL3 does come sometime or a game like it from Valve it would probably take Halo 3's place as #1. I basicly want a new game :P
3. Killzone 2 - The first one wasnt bad but it had a lot of problems due to the hardware so mabye with the PS3 they can really make the franchise shine. Right now they really set the bar high for themselves so Im going to try far away from hype as of right now. I think its got some potential though to be a game.
How does Killzone keep ending up on these lists?DaysAirlines
weren't you a lemming but you are now a cow?
[QUOTE="DaysAirlines"]How does Killzone keep ending up on these lists?ApocalypseXIVV
cause it totally killed Halo last gen u reetard!...i mean 6.9>9.4 right?
Your sig scares me >_>[QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="DaysAirlines"]How does Killzone keep ending up on these lists?PannicAtack
cause it totally killed Halo last gen u reetard!...i mean 6.9>9.4 right?
Your sig scares me >_>how so, hes going to be right on all of them, its sigged for truth
how so, hes going to be right on all of them, its sigged for truth/sarcasm
So far he's 0-2. My personal favorite is either Fable 2 or Too Human.
2 points off Forza and .5 off Shadowrun.
[QUOTE="PannicAtack"][QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="DaysAirlines"]How does Killzone keep ending up on these lists?ApocalypseXIVV
cause it totally killed Halo last gen u reetard!...i mean 6.9>9.4 right?
Your sig scares me >_>how so, hes going to be right on all of them, its sigged for truth
lol well he was kinda close for the shadowrun score.
[QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="PannicAtack"][QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="DaysAirlines"]How does Killzone keep ending up on these lists?justforlotr2004
cause it totally killed Halo last gen u reetard!...i mean 6.9>9.4 right?
Your sig scares me >_>how so, hes going to be right on all of them, its sigged for truth
lol well he was kinda close for the shadowrun score.
Yea its the closest hes ever gonna get unless he goes on a mass murder spree and kills all the devs of these games and they just release them half done cause they cant find any1 else to make em
Half Life 2 > Halo 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>KillzoneApocalypseXIVV
fixed, but why compare a game from 2004 to games coming this year?
Half Life 2 is awesome and the other two aren't out yet.Ibacai
It truely sad to see people say Halo is better than Half-Life when they probably didn't even play it or played it on a inferior console..
Atleast I get a chance to play both, and to know that Half-Life is a much better game.
killzone will always be on the list. All you punk ___ lemmings know about it. But its on the list because they actually put some good amount of money and devs on kZ2. Killzone didn't have what the second 1 has when it comes to development. ff7isnumbaone
Man I don't know why people hype Killzone. If its a good game its a good game. If it turns out good then that's great too. But why take the chance of hyping the sequel to that trash known as Killzone. Heh, Killzone will always be on the list huh? The list of miserable FPS flops that are crappy and terrible. Lets just hope Killzone 2 is a lot better, and I mean a lot better.
[QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"]Halo > Half-life>Metroid>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RedSteel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>KillzoneMichael85
I'm assuming the OP meant Half Life 2: Orange Box.
For me it breaks down.... Like so... (These are predictions, obviously)
What will be most fun: Halo 3>Half Life 2 Orange Box>>>>>>>>>>>> Killzone 2.
Best value for money: Half Life 2 Orange Box > Halo 3 >>> Killzone 2.
Overall: Halo 3 narrowly takes the number one spot, Half Life 2 Orange Box comes in a close second. Killzone 2.... Total meh, isn't worthy of being in the same list.
killzone will always be on the list. All you punk ___ lemmings know about it. But its on the list because they actually put some good amount of money and devs on kZ2. Killzone didn't have what the second 1 has when it comes to development. ff7isnumbaone
So if something has a big budget it deserves to be on the list? Great logic.
Hey guys, which is the best movie ever? The Godfather, Empire Strikes Back or Waterworld.
And btw, Killzone 1 did have a considerable amount of monetary and PR support from Sony (I think Sony even hired a sci-fi author to write it's script). So that excuse really isn't going to wash. It sucked because Guerilla dropped the ball/were inept, not because a lack of resources.
Also, for the sake of a fair test shouldn't this thread be Crysis vs. Killzone 2 vs. Halo 3? Comparing two unreleased games to a 2004 game seems pointless to me.
rate these for me 1-3. #1 being the best.
1. Half-life 2 = Although I never completed it playing the Xbox version I found it quite an average shooter, with no Online. The Puzzles were done superbly and the use of physics has made physics intergrated into more and more games. Looking forward to the orange box because it means I can complete the game and episodes as well as play the master pieces which are portal and Team Fortress 2.
2. Halo 3 = Undoubtedly the King of Console Multiplayer, Its just a classic series, looking forward to well finishing the fight and the new FULL Multiplayer, I haven't played the Beta.
999. Killzone 2 = What??? This game is undoubtedly going to copy other shooters, even ones on its own platform and put slight twists on it, expect a failure.
killzone will always be on the list. All you punk ___ lemmings know about it. But its on the list because they actually put some good amount of money and devs on kZ2. Killzone didn't have what the second 1 has when it comes to development. ff7isnumbaone
No offense, but Killzone was hyped to oblivion with all the same bullcrap of "sony flagship shooter", "halo killer" and "huge investment."
We dont know jack about the game, other than a CGI video which they lied about being real gameplay, and more hype-churning with "we brought in GOOD developers" as if they admit the last game was a pile of crap, which again you cows refuse to admit.
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