From what I see on SW. Gameplay is better than graphics. Anybody can look at screens. But who really got to play the game?! This is a useless thread!Shomb22
This is part of what was shown in Seattle at the Live Presentation of Halo 3. Its all gameplay, it is a bit long though....
[spoiler] The group arrives at the Sergeant's location, and is ready to kick some ass when suddenly the situation becomes all too clear. Dozens and dozens of characters roam the canyon below, with a marine encampment up and to the left of the highway, completely surrounded by four or five Brute packs. To the right, there's a massive structure of some sort which gives a good overview of the entire area. Frankie and Luke begin working their way toward this large structure (kind of like a retaining wall, now that I think about it) and pick off Brutes antagonizing the marines on their way. There's tons of fire raining down upon the poor blokes, with no less than four or five fuel rods in the air at time, in addition to the obligatory hailstorm of spikes, Brute Shots, and Plasma/Spike grenades. There were so many marines it was hard to take a good count, but I'm going to guess around 20 of them were entrenched, lobbing grenades and desperately spraying AR and BR fire into the crowd of attackers. Luke tore off in a different direction than Frank. He must've been throwing himself into the crowds of enemies, because I noticed he was respawning a lot. Pretty humorous, really. Frank moved up onto the large wall structure (on which we met the rather depressing and bloody scene of what was obviously the scene of a massacre, with dead marines everywhere) and picked up a sniper rifle, sliding in a new clip into place (with that oh-so-awesome clinking sound). Before he began picking off the Brutes, who had since turned their attention away from the marines and toward this new, larger threat, we could clearly observe the way that equipment really changes up the campaign. There were at least four bubble shields deployed, a couple of flares going off, and I thought I saw a power drainer or two in action. Mind you, this is all at the same time Anyway, back to our Brute friends. They began advancing in droves, as Frank tried to pick as many off as he could. He's hilariously bad with the sniper, actually. After pissing a few off, a gaggle of Rangers took to the skies, flying through the air and returning fire on Frank, who missed every single shot aimed toward the flying foes. The crowd found this pretty amusing. Anyway, the Brutes landed opposite of the marine encampment at the far end of the canyon, where the road winded off to the next area. Luke was nearby and engaged the Brutes as they tried to cope with the two targets. One of the Rangers spooked and took off, he didn't get far though, as Frankie finally landed a headshot, knocking the sucker out of the sky. The crowd cheered him on as he moved in to regroup with the marines. There were about a dozen or so left alive. After a short breather, Miranda tells the group that Pelicans with heavy weapons are on their way and they should hold tight while they wait. BAD CHOICE. Literally moments afterword three or four Phantoms come swooping in from the horizon, and begin raining death down on the poor bastards stuck below. Frankie and Luke quickly take cover, heading for some weapons stashed nearby. Of all the things in world, Luke DUAL WIELDS PLASMA WEAPONS as Frank gets on a nearby turret. The Phantom's extremely powerful turrets once again become a factor here as Frankie quickly has his shields knocked down, and he yanks the turret off, trying his damnedest to scramble deeper into the bunker to seek cover. After the Phantom is done dropping it's troops off, Frankie heads out of the bunker and engages the enemy forces in earnest. Wave after wave, they approach, quickly running Frank out of ammo and pushing the marines and Team Heroes back. Frank's shields drop again, as Luke drops a Bubble Shield. After recuperating his shields, Frankie tries to remove himself from the battle and instead finds himself in the middle of a Brute pack, staring face-to-face with a Chieftain. It didn't take long for him to high-tail it out of there, grabbing and tossing a trip mine into the midst of another pack of Brutes, and running off, his shields being cut through like butter once again. He doesn't make it far, and is made short work, as he lie face-down in the dirt only ten feet from a nearby bunker. After respawning, we get to see Luke tagging the mine Frankie dropped, and the ensuing hilarity as the flying of the bodies began. This was short-lived, however, as three more Phantoms arrived and, literally, there were Brutes flowing out of them, as if someone had just turned on a giant fountain of hurt and pain. When all was said and done, there must've been at least another 30 Brutes added to the fray. More desperate fighting, and before we know it, the marines are shouting to look out for the Wraith. At this point, everything has gone to hell. Battle cries, screams of pain, explosions going of everywhere, spikes, grenades, and lead making the air so thick with hurt that you could practically take a knife to it. So then a Wraith comes down the highway, and Frankie desperately engages it, tossing grenade and trying to get close enough to board. It losses its mortar onto a group of hapless Brutes and marines, all being blown to pieces indiscriminately. The gunner opens up on Frank, nearly killing him, as Luke moves in to engage the sleek purple tank. After the gunner is offed, a couple well-placed grenades make short work of the now helpless Wraith. Some mop-up work, and finally a respite from the relentless fighting. The group is informed that the Pelicans have almost arrived, and sure enough, they soar in from over the hills and swoop down, delivering some fresh Warthogs in an extremely epic manner. But way, it just isn't meant to be. Luke makes short work of the Warthogs with an FRG, and Frankie begins engaging him. It degrades into a massive friendly-fire of hilarity, as everyone starts shooting everyone. It's there they end the single-player portion to a standing ovation and much cheers and happiness all about. [/spoiler]
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