[QUOTE="oldskooler79"]Yeah that's right! I can remember when there were arguements about Halo 2 on pc versus Halo 3 on 360 and which would have the better graphics. Basically it's obvious that Halo 3 will and should have more graphical advancements that wouldn't be possible on Halo 2 and lemmings said there was no way that Halo 2 will look as good.
Halo 3 needs to be off the chain because I know I'll be running Halo 2 totally maxed out with 1600x1200 / 1920x1080 resolution. Obviously the 360 can't do this with Halo 3 but it still didn't matter in the mind of most lemmings since Halo 3 is going to BLOW AWAY Halo 2 maxed on a gaming rig.
umm...hate to burst your bubble buddy but...
A) Xbox owners have played halo 2 for ages
and B) Ask any halo fan...halo 2 is such a crappy game...halo 3 is going to be amazing gameplay wise.
Okay, now that you completely missed the point, he was simply making a statement that Halo 3 better look better than Halo 2. That's it. And if you read even more, you'll see he even said he thinks so.
And towards you're B), yeah, because any Halo fan knows exactly how good the Halo 3 gameplay's going to be like /sarcasm. For god's sake, you act as though Halo 2 being bad was expected. Why don't you ask any Halo fan from 2004? They'll all say Halo 2 is going to be amazing gameplay wise, but apparently, according to you, it wasn't.
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